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  1. Michaela

    RO Playlist Share

    Hmm most of these won't be recently released songs but these are the songs I've been listening to most on my iPod lately. :) ETA - Oops forgot about the rating thing.. uhh, I think most of these are fine, maybe mention of death in a few though. 30 Seconds to Mars - Edge of the Earth Saosin -...
  2. Michaela

    Exams and school stuff

    pinksalamander wrote: I definitely don't want to be re-taking ANY AS next year, not while doing A2 Chem think I'll have enough on my plate with that! And unfortunately none of my subjects have CW except a teeny bit in Bio. So if I want to get A*s I need to be getting well over 90% in my...
  3. Michaela

    Exams and school stuff

    Horrible isn't it? :( I have 4 exams next week alone!! My first one is on Monday, that's my Chemistry Practical, and I am absolutely dreading it! 2.5 hours of silence, what if I totally mess it up? Then I have some totally pointless Key Skill exam on Tuesday that I do not care about. Physics...
  4. Michaela

    American Idol 2009

    Very disappointed, but not surprised, that Allison went out.:( My interest in the show seems to have gone way down. Ah well, Adam to win of course. How long left? Is next week the final or is it just two in the final, I forget. But the end of AI means live BGT shows will be on soon. :biggrin2...
  5. Michaela

    American Idol 2009

    Just watched the show, this is what I think of the performances; Adam - what can I say, that was sooooooo good! Wow, how was he in the bottom two last week? Allison - not quite as good as Adam but I really loved her performance, she was great. Kris and Danny duet - I love Kris but I did not...
  6. Michaela

    American Idol 2009

    Yay Matt went, he deserved to go. But wft, Adam in the bottom two? People must be getting too complacent, vote for him if you can! It's free isn't it? Really really pleased for Allison that she was in the top two though, and she will be there for rock week! :D Jan I know - his entrance was...
  7. Michaela

    American Idol 2009

    Just watched this week's show. What a terrible theme. I didn't enjoy Kris this week as much, I still really like him but that wasn't a personal favourite of mine. Allison was very good, she has an amazing voice! Shame Simon doesn't seem to like her much. Matt was really boring. I skipped...
  8. Michaela

    American Idol 2009

    This week, Lil was bad. I'm not a Lil fan. Kris was fabulous and gorgeous as ever. :hearts Danny.... no comment. :yuck Allison was great and did NOT deserve to be in the bottom three. :pssd: Adam was obviously fantastic and he is gorgeous too. :biggrin2: Matt was ok, nothing special though...
  9. Michaela

    What age to have the s.e.x. talk

    I'd say any time now is good. You don't have to go into huge amount of detail but give him the basics. :) My parents have NEVER mentioned sex to me at ALL and I'm 17 now. Even now if it's mentioned on tv and I'm in the room they turn it off, it's absolutely ridiculous. We didn't get any sex...
  10. Michaela

    Awful Day!

    Aww sorry you had a bad start Becca! :( I got mine when I was.. 10? 11? Can't even remember. I was still at primary school anyway. But mine aren't too bad, I have like 6 weeks between them, and I usually don't get too much cramp, though recently it has been getting worse. I get into very bad...
  11. Michaela

    American Idol 2009

    Hmm, not a great show this week really. :( Adam was great, of course, but I'd say I enjoyed that performance the least of all his. I thought Allison was really good. I LOVE Kris, can't help it, he's adorable! <3 The rest I couldn't care less about. Anoop.. Zzzz. Lil is not great either. Matt is...
  12. Michaela

    Ahhh it must be the alcohol

    pinksalamander wrote: LOL! Fran there could be so many worse things you could do! ;) Apparently I have tried to run out in front of a car twice now while drunk, I do NOT remember any of this, but my friends insist it happened. :? Zin, that's so funny! Reminds me of someone I know, similar...
  13. Michaela

    Easter Photos

    Those are so cute! The picture of Toby is my favourite! :D
  14. Michaela

    Outdoor Rabbit Hutch

    crystal wrote: Hi! Make sure not to use chicken wire, rabbits can get through it, I have seen it happen before. You need to use a good strong wire, something they definitely won't be able to get through. To keep the hutch warm in winter you can get a "hutch hugger", though they are pretty...
  15. Michaela

    Outdoor Rabbit Hutch

    An outdoor rabbit hutch needs to be an absolute minimum of 6x2x2 foot (single story) for a small to medium rabbit, and obviously the bigger the better. Attaching a large run is ideal also if this is a possibility. :) When I was having my hutch made is showed the man this and he built it pretty...
  16. Michaela

    downloading from youtube-safe or not?

    Do you have a good Anti-Virus Anna? My sister has downloaded a few viruses thinking they were music or video files (:X) but thankfully the anti-virus has caught them all. I've never downloaded any YT videos myself so can't tell you how safe that is, sorry.
  17. Michaela

    Britain's Got Talent!

    It was repeated a few times today, not sure if it will be on again. You can watch it on ITVPlayer though, or Youtube, lots of the most viewed videos today are BGT. :)
  18. Michaela

    I have BIG news!

    How exciting!! :D:D Oh that place you're staying looks lovely, I love little cottages like that! And I never commented on your dress, it is beautiful, wow! :hearts You are so organised, I could never have a big wedding, I'd never be able to handle the stress of it all.
  19. Michaela

    House Rabbit?

    Yes this is very possible, and in my experience, much easier than litter training a cat. :) I used medium sized cat litter trays - the corner ones designed for rabbits are too small imo, everything gets kicked out of them. You can use a wood or paper based cat litter, make sure not to use a clay...
  20. Michaela

    Millie's bunny burrows of madness

    Aww Millie is as beautiful as ever! :D Oh no poor Ollie! What's wrong with him? Hope he gets better soon! :hug: What's up with you lately Jess? Busy with school I'm sure!