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  1. Michaela

    Your Favourite Alcoholic Drink

    For taste I don't like anything strong at all I can't handle it so I always have to start with alcopops, right now my favourite is probably West Coast Cooler Rosé. But once I'm past caring what they taste like I take shots, Sambuca, Tequila, whatever. :)
  2. Michaela

    Which pet(s) do you NOT want to own, and which pet(s) DO you/would you want to own?

    Oh interesting thread! Off the top of my head I know I will never ever have a dog, ferret, horse, insect, spider, snake, lizard, bird, frog.... etc. I will definitely own more cats. I might own more rabbits, I don't know. I would like to try cavies, rats and chinchillas, I think I would like...
  3. Michaela

    Easiest Timetable in the woooooooorld.

    Good luck going back to school, sounds like a good timetable to start you off. :) I won't know what mine is until I go back Tuesday, but as I am (I think) going to keep all my AS subjects on for A2, it will be similar to last year, with barely any free periods. D: Agh I'm jealous Fran!! xD...
  4. Michaela

    How many RO bunnies do we have?

    Plus Ebony, Maddie & Ruby = 534.
  5. Michaela

    Anyone have any certain breeds of rabbits they won't own

    I would not choose any rabbit with long fur, even a lionhead despite the fact that I used to love them. I also would never pick a big rabbit, not much bigger than Ebony. Actually, the only breed I ever want again is a Rex or Mini Rex.
  6. Michaela

    X-Factor 2009!!

    It was rubbish, I hate the live audience. :( I was trying to watch tennis and athletics at the same time, maybe that was the problem, but I might just skip the auditions and wait to bootcamp.
  7. Michaela

    X-Factor 2009!!

    I will be of course. :) I am not happy about the results on a Sunday at all though, I go out on a Sunday night so I'll miss it. =/
  8. Michaela


    Well done! :D I got AAAA in my AS Results this morning, pretty happy. :)
  9. Michaela

    Harry Potter Countdown!

    Wow, what a huge disappointment of a film. :( I don't even know why I bothered, they seem to get worse and worse. I know they can't include everything that's in the books, of course not, but they left out some really important things which are key to the plot, and that annoyed me a lot. But...
  10. Michaela

    Is My Hutch Safe,,,---Pics---

    Honestly I feel there are some improvements you could make to your hutch. :) Can I ask what size it is? In my opinion, wire flooring is not appropriate, but I know that is not shared by many Americans, but you at least need to provide some kind of solid flooring for your rabbit to rest it's...
  11. Michaela

    Ruby is getting spayed.

    I never got a chance to update last night, sorry! She's fine! :D She ate straight away, and she has use her little tray - not as much as I would like but enough I think. She's enjoying being pampered by everyone. :) Thanks everyone for keeping her in your thoughts.
  12. Michaela

    Ruby is getting spayed.

    Thanks a lot guys, mum just left to take her up to the vets. :( Hey Susan, I know I haven't been able to post much lately, busy with my AS Level exams, bleh! Should be on again more when they are done. :)
  13. Michaela

    Ruby is getting spayed.

    My little baby goes in for her spay tomorrow morning (Tuesday) and I am so scared. :nerves1 Please keep her in your thoughts! There is no reason she shouldn't be fine - she's a healthy girl with a good appetite, so I doubt getting her to eat afterward will be a problem, but there is always the...
  14. Michaela

    Britain's Got Talent!

    Flawless weren't as good as I thought they'd be tonight. I really do not like that boy Shaun, he's not that good, he wouldn't do well on XF I don't think. I liked the ventriloquist, and I liked the escapologist. I really like Diversity, they are my favourites so far.:) Although, quite frankly...
  15. Michaela


    Oh no! :( I am so sorry Polly. :hug: Binky free Dennis. :rainbow:
  16. Michaela


    Gracie have you seen this ? RoI came 11th - tough draw! :( And poor Serbia came 10th and didn't get in! I don't want to argue but the 10 that got through semi final 2 were Norway, Denmark, Greece, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Moldova, Albania, Ukraine & Estonia, and then Croatia, but they came 13th...
  17. Michaela


    That was the best Eurovision ever, I actually voted, lol! Jade was fantastic, I don't really like the song but she has an amazing voice, and for UK to come fifth was great for a change! But I absolutely fell in love with Alexander from Norway! :hearts: He was just fab, I watched the semis and...
  18. Michaela

    Exams and school stuff

    My Physics and Chemistry practicals went ok I think, no major disasters except I smashed a conical flask in Chemistry, and it had ethanoic acid and phenolphthalein in it and I spilled some in my burette and then my burette turned pink so I had to re-do my titration, lol! I know I messed up one...
  19. Michaela

    Wii games?

    Mario Galaxy is my favourite game for the Wii I really enjoyed that, was sad to finish it really! Also Mario Kart is a lot of fun, but I unlocked everything on that so only play it occasionally multi-player lately. I got Paper Mario for Christmas and I've barely played it, it seems good enough...
  20. Michaela

    Let's talk cosmetics girls!

    Oh yay a make-up thread! Afraid to say I wear make-up every day, doesn't matter how late I'm running, haha. For normal day make up for foundation I'm using Dream Matte Mousse at the minute, but I'll probably get something else when it's finished, any recommendations? Nothing too expensive...