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  1. Skip&Piper

    Strange behaviour?

    Had I not been reading these forums for hours on end the last few weeks, I would have definitely made a post like : WHY is my rabbit eating her own poop?!?! Lol! I’ve learned so much here!
  2. Skip&Piper

    Strange behaviour?

    Thanks for your reply Imbrium! I wish that’s what she was doing but no, she just switches into this with no warning at all, it’s quite strange! I will try get a video of it but it’s hard because there’s no rhyme or reason to it. I do have this adorable picture of her when she fell asleep...
  3. Skip&Piper

    GI Stasis! New bunny owner! HELP :(

    I have no advice since I am a super new bunny owner as well, just wanted to add that I also have a Piper, and I’m sending my best wishes for her speedy recovery!
  4. Skip&Piper

    Strange behaviour?

    Hi all, So, in the two weeks we’ve had these bunnies, I have noticed three times where Piper just kind of stops what she’s doing, lifts one paw, and then chews as if she has something in her mouth, but she doesn’t. It almost seems like a seizure of some sort, it seems to happen at weird times...
  5. Skip&Piper

    2019 Cages - add your photo!

    This is our initial set up the day we brought home Skipper and Piper. It’s 4’x8’, but we’ve added 4 more feet of flooring that we will expand into (as well as a second level!) but not until after they are spayed and litter trained! I’ve since added a bigger second litter box, And made some...
  6. Skip&Piper

    Hello! Meet Skipper & Piper.

    Haha those would be some AMAZING bunnies!! I love Great Danes, biggest lapdogs you’ll ever meet!
  7. Skip&Piper

    Timothy bales with weed control?

    Hi! After searching for local suppliers of Timothy hay bales, I found a thread on this forum suggesting which is local to me. I was super excited to get a few bales from them, but apparently they were sprayed with an application of weed control in the fall. Is this okay for...
  8. Skip&Piper

    New mini lops

    Oh my gosh they are precious! I also have two sister mini lops!
  9. Skip&Piper

    Hello! Meet Skipper & Piper.

    I think I’ve got it figured out! Let me try one more:
  10. Skip&Piper

    Hello! Meet Skipper & Piper.

    Trying another photo method, haha. They’ve only done the circling thing a couple times, it’s always Skipper, I can see that she is the one in charge for sure. I definitely don’t want to ruin their chances at bonding afterward, they are so darn sweet together. Perhaps I should just go ahead...
  11. Skip&Piper

    Hello! Meet Skipper & Piper.

    Aw darn, I’m posting from an iPad, hence the autocorrects, ugh! I’m obviously doing something wrong when posting the photos - I will try again here! I couldn’t seem to edit my original post! We have the bunnies in. A 4’ x 8’ pen and are ready to split that in to two as soon as needed. I’m...
  12. Skip&Piper

    Hello! Meet Skipper & Piper.

    Hello! We added sister mini-lops to our household this Christmas! They are almost 5 months old and will be getting spayed mid-February. They are the cutest, most curious little things, and we just love them! Would love any tips on Leah’s to help litter training along before they are spayed...