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  1. Lokin4AReason

    Bun has no interest in toys or playing with anything?

    bun(s) are chew-a-holics ( they chew anything and everything that they some kind of interest in ) and I don't think that they have a monthly meeting for it anyway, besides US playing computer at trying to figure them out =0) I noticed you mentioned a mat, I know that they have a cardboard...
  2. Lokin4AReason

    Hello from Arizona!

    let me guess flip phone ... ?
  3. Lokin4AReason

    First time bunny owner <3

    laid back isn't the word, he is a chilled bun ( esp. in the last photo ) ... welcome to the board =) if you have any question(s), post it up for US and We ll take it from there ( as in helping out ) =0)
  4. Lokin4AReason

    We'll Miss You, Rocky!

    he looks like a character =0) R.I.P. Rocky and may you binky away w/ the rest of OUR loved one(s) that are awaiting US ..
  5. Lokin4AReason

    Hello from Florida

    welcome to the show =0) one thing that they will show you is their personality. and its beyond hard to describe at how beautiful it is ( because each bun is unique. trust me, I have two and both are complete opposites from one another. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world for them...
  6. Lokin4AReason

    Hello from Arizona!

    that is one cute little bun ( bunny ) that you have there =0) and welcome to the party ...
  7. Lokin4AReason

    that bunny look =0/

    thank you MC =0)
  8. Lokin4AReason

    that bunny look =0/

    yup they gave me that look of, " I need some lovin ( esp. from the white one ) ". it just killed me going to work w/ that picture of that in my head =0( I wish I could bring my bun(s) to work =0/
  9. Lokin4AReason

    Another buN and I retrieved them from this link ( and they have a few others but...
  10. Lokin4AReason

    that bunny look =0/

    this was the look I got from my two today this morning before work =0/
  11. Lokin4AReason

    Another buN

    have you tried the internet or any groups in your area ... ?
  12. Lokin4AReason

    Never Give Up!

    man o man ... I bet that you were like a nervous wreck ( I know that I would be. plus smoking like 12 packs of cigarettes and I don't smoke, go figure ) awesome that you have the lil one back safe and munching away =0)
  13. Lokin4AReason

    Houserabbits and leather sofa

    well, with my old flat had an old sofa ... and my two also had fun marking their area ( one on each side, don't ask and I really don't have a clue at why ) my best advice would be not letting them up there, in the first place and work from there ...
  14. Lokin4AReason


    welcome to site =0) photo(s) of the bun(s) would be nice =0) also what kind of painting(s) do you do and would have photo(s) of that too ... ?
  15. Lokin4AReason

    My rabbit seems to have a skin condition?

    poor little bun =0(
  16. Lokin4AReason

    Dreams about your rabbit(s)?

    tell me about it .... woke up and raced to the ice to cheque on the beer(s) and they were chilling there on the shelf ( with a sign of relief ). beer for another day. like the old saying goes, " a beer a day, keeps the doctor away " =0)
  17. Lokin4AReason

    Dreams about your rabbit(s)?

    I had a dream some time ago, but it was not any of my kid(s) ( or past ones either ), as I heard a noise in the kitchen. I peered around the corner, there on the ground w/ the ice box open. a little one was raiding the fridge. as I got closer, I heard a pop ( like from a soda can ). as looked...
  18. Lokin4AReason


    welcome to the party =0) if you wouldn't mind, could you post some photo(s) of your bun ( aka bunny, I mean ) =0)
  19. Lokin4AReason

    Dwarf Lop NEEDS home ASAP - Salem, Oregon

    any update(s) or photo(s) of the little one .. ?
  20. Lokin4AReason

    need a forever home for black lop bunny - RE-HOMED.

    I am glad that you decided to keep her =0) please feel free to come back any time if you have any question(s) or what to read through the thread(s) to have a better understanding of your little one ... and once again, welcome to the board =0)