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  1. Lokin4AReason

    We did get new they are!

    I can see in now that they will be doing their bunny talking at night =0) Tiptoe; Quiet Pippin, I am getting ready for tomorrow night ... Pippin; Why .. ? What are WE going to do tomorrow night? Tiptoe; ( a bit irritated by this ) Guess ! Pippin; Oh, try to take over the world, right ...
  2. Lokin4AReason

    East Sussex

    thanks for the share of information =0)
  3. Lokin4AReason


    cool bun w/ a cool story =0)
  4. Lokin4AReason

    Hello from Rosie and Hayden!

    welcome to the show =0)
  5. Lokin4AReason

    Lagomorph Power!

    ah yes, enjoy eating after reading a good book =0)
  6. Lokin4AReason

    What is your rabbits favorite toy?!

    my two enjoy this tunnel thingy ( bought at petco for ferrets or cats ) and hard plastic baby key(s)
  7. Lokin4AReason

    Female rabbit humping me?

    shes had that song playing in her head ' lets get it on ', and when can WE except the little one(s) ... ? =0) my little one had a similar problem ( but no head humping, cant lie, now that was like funny ), more like forearm humping. she would like go at it for 30 second(s) tire out rest a...
  8. Lokin4AReason

    RIP: My Lionhead rabbit is alive but wont move. help please

    sincere condolences in losing your little one =*0/ may her binky away w/ the rest of our loved one(s), R.I.P.
  9. Lokin4AReason

    miss or not to miss the potty, that is the question ... ?

    ok ok, I have been doing this for some time now ... I have been washing and cleaning ( as in vinegar and soap afterwards ) in cleaning their cage AND I still get some serious wee on the side or in the middle of the cage ( not pointing fingers but I think its borderline charile aka see at why he...
  10. Lokin4AReason

    Hi from The Jumping Dot!

    what a cutie =0) and welcome you two to the board ...
  11. Lokin4AReason

    Leg Abscess - the healing process

    praying for the best for the little one and glad that he has you next to him =0) my 2nd bun, his name was little man w/ a broken leg at 5 to 8 week(s) old. the breeders wont let me have him and when I did, I drove to the vet clinic asap. they were telling me this and that and he had to be put...
  12. Lokin4AReason

    Water water bun wont drink

    I have been using vitamin drop(s) for my kid(s) ( as in bun(s) ) .... and I haven't had any disagreement(s) either =0)
  13. Lokin4AReason

    Jaina and I :D

    aw fiddle sticks, I just love that spot on his nose :bunny22: and welcome to the party =0)
  14. Lokin4AReason


    that is so awesome ... tell him to move over =0)
  15. Lokin4AReason

    My friend's bunny

    I dunno at what breed the little one is but its a killer prom =0)
  16. Lokin4AReason

    Hi! :)

    welcome to the party =0)
  17. Lokin4AReason

    Few questions about bunny without tail

    yes there is a few thing(s) that you can give her, love and understanding ( w/ also spoiling her ) =0)
  18. Lokin4AReason


    I would ... I think he ate a jumping bean =0X no kidding aside, its called a binky =0) ( its a sign of joy or happiness, which is cool )
  19. Lokin4AReason

    Litter box issues

    I am starting to have the same problem and wanted to start a thread on it but noticed someone beat me to it =0)