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  1. Lokin4AReason

    Litter Box chewing

    my two are currently doing the same and i have a hard time breaking them away in chewing their plastic poop tray i have been buying them multiple toy(s) but still keep doing this .. even putting some chew toy(s) in there to distract them from chewing on their pooping pan =/
  2. Lokin4AReason

    Favourite toys?

    my two enjoy paper and cardboard ( w/o any ink on them, of course ) and they would nudge n chew on it at when they please ... i have tried multiple toy(s) and this seems to be their favorite as of yet ...
  3. Lokin4AReason

    Hi everyone!

    my two are my kid(s) and each of them have their own personalities ... and i would nt trade them for anything in the world for them ... heck, i even skipped work to just be w/ them or attend to their need(s) good to see some one out there to be the same =0)
  4. Lokin4AReason

    New to the Forum and Bunny Ownership!

    welcome to the party ...
  5. Lokin4AReason

    Litter Boxes with 2+ rabbits

    i have one tray and two bun(s) and a separate one at when they are out running around .. if they are bonded, your good but if you dont ... it can be a bit of a challenge
  6. Lokin4AReason

    Sneezing since I rescued him?

    hes poop looks good ( now that sounds funny, but it true ) have you been giving him hay ... ? maybe the small part(s) or the dust from it may make him sneeze .. ? ( my girl had that problem and toss the small parts away along w/ the bedding which was pine ) how come is his living space also .. ?
  7. Lokin4AReason

    Hates Housing?

    im also looking into a few option(s) ... seeing if a 5 ft ferret cage would be good option ( esp. redoing the ramps on it )
  8. Lokin4AReason

    I need to fly a bunny

    i would like to know also ... in what airline(s) would accept bun(s) ( esp. overseas ) this should be an interesting thread, IMO
  9. Lokin4AReason

    Apple (R.I.P)

    sorry to hear for your loss of your little one ... =/ may she binky away over the bunny rainbow
  10. Lokin4AReason

    Spinal Injury?

    please keep US updated on her condition ... this is like one of my greatest fear(s) here =0(
  11. Lokin4AReason


    cool looking bun and welcome you two =0)
  12. Lokin4AReason

    My rabbit is being an ***hole.

    i have had mine in two separate cages ( next to each other ) and after time they will get used to one another. plus having him neutered is a plus ( and will make life easy on all three of you all )
  13. Lokin4AReason


    welcome to the board ..
  14. Lokin4AReason

    Trouble Makers 101

    cute little bun(s) =0)
  15. Lokin4AReason

    this had me going tear(s) after reading this aticle "Inside Europe's rabbit farms"

    makes me wonder about humanity a lot of time(s) =0/ have to also advice graphic image(s)
  16. Lokin4AReason


    welcome to the board ....
  17. Lokin4AReason

    New Bunnies - advise please

    here is my girl ( white n black ) and boy ( brown and white ) and if they were like the same sex, I would say that they would/ will have hiccup(s) along the way =0/ they can not get enough of each other =0) ( sorry about the picture quality )
  18. Lokin4AReason

    Rip my little fur baby

    may I give you my sincere condolences for your loss =0/
  19. Lokin4AReason

    RIP our poor bunny - Laurel Poisoning

    may she binky away w/ OUR little one(s) awaiting US ... R.I.P little one also give you my sincere condolences =0/
  20. Lokin4AReason

    Rip my little fur baby

    R.I.P crash ..... binky away w/ the rest of OUR little loved ones up there =0)