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  1. Darojati

    Scabies and continuous eye boogers

    The vet confirmed it's scabies on head and feet. Yes so the Vet also said he will give different medication when the scabies still persists after 2 weeks.. we'll go to the Vet next week for the checkup, and possibly skin scrap. as of today, Bubu's head is clearer vs last week!!! His feet still...
  2. Darojati

    Scabies and continuous eye boogers

    Hi all... Bubu still has scabies as of today. Vet said the scabies is very persistent and these days it is also difficult to get rabbits fully heal from scabies. We will continue cleaning this skin that has scabs and apply scabimite ointment as advised by the vet. By any chance that any of...
  3. Darojati

    Abscess under jaw

    Thanks. It's still covid restriction here in Jakarta, so the rabbit-savvy Vet cannot come to our place yet. We have just been recommended to another Vet, and got the appointment for this Thursday! Finally after the wait. Wish us luck
  4. Darojati

    Abscess under jaw

    Hi All We recently found abscess under my rabbit's jaw. We are having lockdown and are arranging to have Vet house visit next week. While we are waiting for the Vet to come, is there any alternative treatment that I can give him? here's his photo when the groomer checked his abscess today.
  5. Darojati

    Potty train newly adopted 1y.o. buck

    Hi all could you share tips & advices of your experience to potty train >1 year old rabbit? We adopted Bubu when he was already 13months old... then we fixed him, then he's got scabies and in recovery mode now. He was not potty trained yet at the farm.. so he pees everywhere in his playpen...
  6. Darojati

    Scabies and continuous eye boogers

    Hi all Bubu has scabies.. i can see the cracking and infected skin in his face/top of his nose, eyelids, and feet. He's also got eye infection with heavy discharge since he's got this scabies. so we have got him injected with wormectin as prescribed..he's got 3x already in past 3.5weeks...
  7. Darojati

    Scabies and continuous eye boogers

    Hey All... We recently adopted a 1 year old male bunny about 1.5months ago. We have a spayed doe at home, still living in separate area.. We got the male bunny neutered 2 weeks after... then later on we found him got scabies. Not really sure if he was infected in the farm before coming here...
  8. Darojati

    How to bond my bunny with newly adopted bunny?

    Got him neutered last week! It's D+8 now :)
  9. Darojati

    Will biting habit go away after neuter?

    Hey everyone, We have recently adopted 1 year old buck about a week ago. The buck is not yet fixed and we plan to neuter him tomorrow (sunday). He recently started being aggressive a couple of days ago, bite my hand (twice) when i pet him and gave him food. He's been like that since then till...
  10. Darojati

    How to bond my bunny with newly adopted bunny?

    -->> she is completely free-roamed. Indeed, we need to find new playpen for the new buck.
  11. Darojati

    How to bond my bunny with newly adopted bunny?

    Hi! I'd like to seek your advice how to start bonding bunnies pls. we have got female HL (spayed) bunny at home that bond with us so well. And we have been thinking a lot to bring in a buck bunny for her mate/friend. Now we have decided to get a buck HL, not yet neutered. We will neuter the...
  12. Darojati

    Long car ride with rabbits

    Before traveling, it was suggested to give little bit of nutridrops vitamin to the rabbit. So it helped my rabbit not to be so stressed on the road. We drove about 2hrs on the road.. so returned trip then took 4hrs in total. and it’s good to have some breaks in between and give them food/wet...
  13. Darojati

    Spaying recovery

    thanks for sharing! Now it’s been a month after spay surgery and my bunny is still upset and cranky as she is.. i really hope my bunny will be back to her cuddly self, missing her
  14. Darojati

    Spayed rabbit not eating

    Hello, how’s your bunny doing? I would love to hear your experience after ur bunny got spayed. How long did your bunny sulk? Did she sulk tho? My bunny got spayed 3.5weeks ago; she is now fully recovered and her bare tummy has growing hair too. She licks our hands already... BUT she is still...
  15. Darojati

    Spaying recovery

    So my rabbit is still sulking after 3.5weeks post spay surgery. She already licks our hands... BUT still no cuddle yet! She used to cuddle us everytime we wake up in the morning and after we arrive at home from work. But now she doesn’t even bother that we are here with her giving her head rubs...
  16. Darojati

    spayed incision

    Hello... how’s your female bunny doing?? I would love to hear your experience after ur bunny got spayed. How long did your bunny sulk? Well, did she sulk post surgery? My bunny got spayed 3.5weeks ago; she is now fully recovered and her bare tummy has growing hair too. She licks our hands...
  17. Darojati

    Constipation please help

    Try giving ur bunny sanko rabbit hairball relief if you suspect any hairball/woolblock. My bunny had this similar symptoms and it turned out to be hairball.
  18. Darojati

    How long did ur bunny sulk after spay?

    Hi all Would you share how long your female bunny sulked after spay surgery? My female bunny has been sulking for 3 weeks post spay surgery. Her mood has been up and down. She already licks our hands in exchange for her head rubs. BUT there’s no sign of her asking for cuddles like she used to...
  19. Darojati

    After spay recovery and sulking?

    Thank you! She’s not yet becoming her cuddly self yet, and we miss it! It’s been 2.5weeks post spay surgery and she is still angry with us. She already licks us here and there, but no cuddle yet. Hope she returns to be cuddly very soon!!
  20. Darojati

    After spay recovery and sulking?

    Thanks! My rabbit is still sulking after 2.5weeks post spay! How she’d go back to her cuddly self very soon!! Missing those moments before spay..