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  1. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    Update after 11 days taking Panacur Rabbit (dewormer).
  2. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    update... D7 using Panacur Rabbit. I find that her eyes are looking better, not as weepy as before.
  3. Darojati

    Vets in Jakarta

    Hello all, Sharing this information of Vets in Jakarta that can handle rabbits. Hope this helps others looking for Vets. you can google their contacts directly. and do share here if there are more information too. List of Vets for Rabbits in Jakarta: Radhiyan pet care - Drh Radhiyan Pdhb...
  4. Darojati

    Help with weepy eye please!!!!

    I also post this under my thread
  5. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    So Vet advised to not give any medicated eyedrop (off medicine) for the time being. Only rinse the eyes using non-medicated eye rinser. Plus, we started giving her Panacur rabbit (dewormer) from two days ago, for next 26 days (in total 28days). We hope this kills the bacteria that's possibly...
  6. Darojati

    Help with weepy eye please!!!!

    Suggested for off medicine first, as we gave her various eyedrops which did not entirely help. Had xray for the teeth before too, and it shows normal. Same indication, that it can be either bacterial or allergy. From the historical data, the suspect is she got infected by the newly adopted...
  7. Darojati

    Help with weepy eye please!!!!

    Thanks for sharing! Have you tried giving panacur paste? I am getting Panacur paste to give for 28days treatment. Vet suggests to observe few more days non-medicated eyes to see any changes to the eyes. So meanwhile, i will treat my bunny with Panacur. And also warm chamomile tea as you suggested.
  8. Darojati

    Help with weepy eye please!!!!

    Hello... can you share the latest update of your bunny? I'm having similar issue like this with my bunny... got antibiotic prescribed eyed drop for a week, but weepy eyes still continue... another expert suspect bacterial infection, and thus suggest to give panacur paste for 28days.. have not...
  9. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    We gave Pochi vet-prescribed eyedrop (picture below) for 7days.. then observed non-medicated eyes for about a week already now. she's still got the weepy eyes 😔 Vet said to observe non-medicated eyes to see if the reddish reduce.. Another bunny expert suggests to give Pochi panacur rabbit for...
  10. Darojati

    Help, is this normal for male genital?

    Hello, It's me again for Bubu (buck bunny). He has juuusst recovered from scabies/syphilis. I checked his anus, it doesn't have scale/crust these days. Seems like the penicillin shot works! Now however we only realized that his penis seems to be swollen. We might have missed it as we were too...
  11. Darojati

    Is there anything wrong with the upper teeth?

    Hello i notice my buck bunny (Bubu) has dark upper teeth and they also seem to be cracked.. I am still looking for dental vet in Jakarta that can check Bubu's teeth. do you know what's wrong with his upper teeth? Is this something that can be fixed and cleaned too? Not sure if there's any...
  12. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    We finally got her checked to the bunny savvy vet last night around 8.30pm (jakarta time). This was after a month of finding time between the vet's super busy schedule. from the checking: pochi's eye membranes were full of mucus and there's inflammation on her tear duct. So the vet had to clean...
  13. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    Hello we just had an xray today without sedation.. so the xray came out blurry :( many said a good xray would require the bunny to be sedated, is this generally true? Or perhaps i need to find another clinic with more experience? we will be going the main vet tomorrow to check if tear duct...
  14. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    Hi Friends, I have female bunny, 2.5years, her name is Pochi. She has been having teary eye on her left eye since August’21, also similar time when we adopted another male bunny, named Bubu (which turned to have scabies/fungal/syphilis problem). I posted Bubu’s case in another thread. We...
  15. Darojati

    Rabbit Eye Health

    Hello, did you manage to get the teary eye cleared? My female bunny has been having teary eye such as this. it started with left eye and now having teary eye on her right eye as well.
  16. Darojati

    Scabies and continuous eye boogers

    Thanks for the advice! We treated him for scabies, now it's gone. But the thick crust appears again around his head, nose, mouth. His anus has had crust/ulcer and it comes and goes. The vet prescribed fungal meds then, and now after 2 weeks they're just the same. we're getting him treated...
  17. Darojati

    Scabies and continuous eye boogers

    Update.. Bubu's crust is thicking up.. not gone yet.. we still clean him everyday with gauze and chlorhexidine.. I searched thru and found that Bubu's symptoms are totally similar like rabbit physilis!!! MediRabbit checking with vet and our local bunny community for the...
  18. Darojati

    Scabies and continuous eye boogers

    Hello all, apparently the storm has not passed yet! Despite that scabies is gone (we did 2x skin scrap), there are still skin crust on top of Bubu's head. And now we see it also underneath his jaw! Vet confirmed it is fungal infection and gave fungal topical cream. oh dear, I feel so so sad...
  19. Darojati

    Scabies and continuous eye boogers

    The skin scrap result is here!! Wow so fast. The result said there's no more scabies!!! YEAAAAAYYY!! So happy!! The vet suggests to still continue the treatment for next 3days to ensure it's super clear. I'm so thankful of this huge improvement!!! ❤️
  20. Darojati

    Scabies and continuous eye boogers

    Sooo after 2 weeks of treatment & cleaning post Vet visit, the scabies seems to be 75% gone. There are still some spots on Bubu's head. The Vet performed skin scrap today to check the scabies underneath the skin.