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  1. Darojati

    Head tilt/ EC/ bacterial

    @JBun it was getting worse. So we gave penicillin subQ injection to Bubu already. We saw progress on horizontal nystagmus eye stopping after 1st injection, lasted for 2days. It started again in day 3. Then we gave the 2nd penicillin in day 4, and nystagmus stopped again. We observe that...
  2. Darojati

    Head tilt/ EC/ bacterial

    Hi @JBun I'm going to inject penicillin subQ for possible bacterial treatment. This is the penicillin i can get here locally. Please let me know if 0.15ml/ kg weight is okay?
  3. Darojati

    Head tilt/ EC/ bacterial

    Hi All I wanna seek your thoughts and advice for any reference of longterm headtilt/ EC.. Bubu (male, HL) started headtilt 21 Dec 2022 with flickering right eye, and we took him to doctor right away. We got him antibiotic, vitamins and panacur. We also had acupuncture to help on the neck. We...
  4. Darojati

    E Cuniculi

    is there any alternative medicine to help on the vertigo/ bunny rolling episodes besides Meclizine/ Stemetil? And the dosage? We don't have this in Indonesia.
  5. Darojati

    E Cuniculi

    Hi Friends, Bubu (male HL" got EC and confirmed by Vet on 21st December. We went to Vet on 21st right away for acupuncture to help ease the neck pain and also getting medicine. We then started giving Panacur daily, syringe feed critical care & water every 3-5hrs for at least 5ml each. So a day...
  6. Darojati

    Suddenly try to attack & nip couple of times

    Hello We have two bonded bunnies, male (2y.o) & female (3y.o). They have been sweet together.. These days, the male bunny has been attacking us when we were trying to pet/check the other female bunny he bonds with... he's been so sweet before, only recently trying to attack us.. they are all...
  7. Darojati

    Biting Bunny

    Hello... it's been a while since this post, but i wanted to check if your bunny is ok? How have you managed the nipping? I'm also experiencing the same thing... my neutered male bunny has been attacking us when we were trying to pet/check the other female bunny he bonds with... he's been so...
  8. Darojati

    Vets in Jakarta

    Hello! For spay (female rabbit), I suggest to go to drh Hana at Petologi Vet or drh Radhiyan. You can ping me in my Instagram @pochiderabbitt too price would range about IDR700,000-IDR1,200,000. Please check directly to the doctor. please also be prepared too before any such procedure.. means...
  9. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    Hi all! we went to another Vet and found several issues with Pochi 1. Pochi's eyes have bacteria (likely infected from Bubu), hence the never ending weepy eyes! Her tears are a bit white like milk and sticky. Vet took sample and checked, found moving bacteria. 2. Pochi has toothache from her...
  10. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    Hi all... pochi's weepy eyes come and go..her left eye keeps weepy... her right eye's situation really come and go.. we clean her surrounding eyes area everyday with either warm water or HOCL. now we just found out yesterday that Pochi had some sort of ulcer/scab near her mouth.. glad i could...
  11. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    i'm sorry to hear that... there's no improvement yet to Pochi 😔😔
  12. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    Pochi's eyes are weepy again, pretty heavy tears. Natural and transparent tears. i have just been advised to try penicillin drop to the eyes, as alternative treatment to kill the bacteria.. it's suspected the syphilis bacteria from Bubu (our male bunny) jumped and infected Pochi's eyes. Have...
  13. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    After 2 weeks, both eyes are weepy again 😔😔😔😔
  14. Darojati

    Help with weepy eye please!!!!

    @Gabriela hello, so far panacur rabbit (dewormer) works, after 28days taking it. How's your bunny?
  15. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    The right eye is much better... the left eye is still watery.. they both look much better :)
  16. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    Latest one... already 28days panacur, and 4days hocl dab on her fur around the eyes
  17. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    @JBun @NorthernNevadaHollandLops it's been 25days giving her Panacur rabbit. The dose is until 28days. Her eyelids are not as red as before, looks like the irritation calm down. However she's still crying..not as bad as before, but her fur are still sticky from the tears. I started to dab HOCL...
  18. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    Okay yes i'm checking for the similar ingredient here in Jakarta.. just checked that Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL) is disinfectant and used for medical healing purpose. Will give it a try.
  19. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    Thanks.. do you mean dabbing the fur around the eyes that got sticky? Do you also have weepy/teary eyes issue?
  20. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    Update after 15days taking Panacur Rabbit (dewormer). Seems slightly better, but still have weepy eyes but not as much as before.