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  1. B

    Skinny & Losing Fur

    Thank you for the advise. You very wellmay be right. She feeds them a different kind of feed thatshe gets at Wal-mart. I get mine from a local feed store inbulk. I've tried to get her to switch, but she does not feelthe need to buy 50lbs. at a time. I also think she may not ofbeen feeding them...
  2. B

    Skinny & Losing Fur

    Thank you, I am familiar with NutriCal. I hope I can talk her into taking her to avet. Most Vets around here won't see rabbits and the onesthat do I don't place very much faith in. Some of theirpractices contradict what I have read in many rabbit books. Iwill ask around. I met a lady recently...
  3. B

    Skinny & Losing Fur

    I gave a pair of my baby bunnnie, from differentlitters to a friend and her daughter.She called me upset thather doe, that is about a year old is skin and bones and is losing hairin clumps. She is not bred. Her droppings are fine. She iseating fine. She shares a cage with a buck that does not...