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  1. B

    Rabbit due in 2 weeks

    I am not certain that she is pregnantbut i have left her in with a proven breeder buck for a few days so iexpect it. She doesnt have anything to make a nest in right now whichis why i was on here figuring out what i need to get for her.
  2. B

    Rabbit due in 2 weeks

    I'm really excited becausemy mom said i could keep a female outta her. :DBut i readthey pull there hair out?!?!? Do they really?:shock:
  3. B

    Rabbit due in 2 weeks

    Hey, my holland lop(Bambi)is having babies in 2 weeks. I'm going to bring here inside. What alldo I need to do to get prepared for the babies? This is the first timethat I have ever had a rabbit bred. I know that i need to have a boxfor her to get into. Is that all? Thanks for all thehelp.