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  1. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit playing with curtains and always wanting to get up on table. What’s this about?

    We don’t mind to be honest. I was just wondering if anyone else had the same thing 😂
  2. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit playing with curtains and always wanting to get up on table. What’s this about?

    Omg! That’s great! What type of bunny is it? And I can’t wait to see a cute bun bun. I just look back to when louie was a little munchkin. So cute. Is this bunny gonna be your first or do you have multiple bunnies already?
  3. BinkyLouie

    What’s a fruit I can give to my rabbit everyday? And how much can I feed him?

    Okay cool! I’ve introduced him to banana, strawberry, raspberry, black berries and blue berries. So many to choose but i can feed any of these 2-3 times a week. Also can I feed it two times a day or should I preferably cut it up so it can be similar to feeding him two times just in moderation...
  4. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit playing with curtains and always wanting to get up on table. What’s this about?

    omg yes lol you know what? he’s actually been crazy ever since I got him neutered. I’m guessing because he was confined to one spot only for a few days. He would bite and tug on the hut to get out lmaooo. I felt so bad but it was so he wouldn’t hurt himself. Anyways! Back to what you said. Yes...
  5. BinkyLouie

    What’s a fruit I can give to my rabbit everyday? And how much can I feed him?

    cool! I think I’ll just give him banana since it’s his favorite. I’m allowed to give him some everyday or should I maybe it only 2-3 per week
  6. BinkyLouie

    What’s a fruit I can give to my rabbit everyday? And how much can I feed him?

    Hey guys so I unfortunately can’t buy louie his treats anymore. Sister doesn’t wanna buy him stuff anymore and I don’t have money and I also don’t have a good relationship with dad so.. I can’t buy him anything unless I really need it then I can ask my sister who doesn’t have income but...
  7. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit playing with curtains and always wanting to get up on table. What’s this about?

    It’s so funny to me how my little guy always finds something to do. A few days ago I saw him jumping on the chairs to get to the table. He wouldn’t stop getting on it either lol Even when I removed the chairs and put some distance between the chair and the table he didn’t care 😂 It’s really cute...
  8. BinkyLouie

    Is my rabbit skinny or fat? Or is he a good size?

    Oh! Okay. I was already getting upset thinking I wasn’t feeding him enough ): Thank you. 😎
  9. BinkyLouie

    Is my rabbit skinny or fat? Or is he a good size?

    Well, actually. I’m not sure. I was getting a quick feel again but I don’t know. When I just slide my finger on the ribs it’s just like a faint boney touch. However if I do press a little harder I can feel them.
  10. BinkyLouie

    Is my rabbit skinny or fat? Or is he a good size?

    Okay so he got up and I went to check and yeah I can feel his ribs without pressing. So I’m guessing he is underweight /: What should I feed him more of? Also turns out he knows how to get up on the table.
  11. BinkyLouie

    Is my rabbit skinny or fat? Or is he a good size?

    I’m convinced he’s some sort of Havana rabbit and if not then I’m not sure what breed he is. When I search up what size he should be it says they should be around 4.5 pounds and he’s well below that so I’m kind of afraid I haven’t been feeding him enough. I feed him 2 cups of veggies one in the...
  12. BinkyLouie

    Is my rabbit skinny or fat? Or is he a good size?

    That’s a good idea. Yeah, when I touch his spine its rounded not sharp. I’ll weigh myself rn with him and without him after he stops binkying lol Thank you sm Edit: Just weighed myself! Turns out he’s 3.7 pounds? Is that okay? He even has a dewlap! It was a bit bigger before but ever since I...
  13. BinkyLouie

    Is my rabbit skinny or fat? Or is he a good size?

    Hey guys, I just came on here wondering if you guys could help determine whether louie is a healthy weight or not. I took some pictures of him. Can anyone help? If you’re wondering whether the vet told me how much he weighed when I went to go get him neutered she didn’t! Also I tried weighing...
  14. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit might’ve eaten a cherry pit. What should I do?

    I’m gonna go check on him right now. I hope he’s okay.
  15. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit might’ve eaten a cherry pit. What should I do?

    I was out cleaning louies stuff for the night and I had told my mom to take care of him because I was gonna go clean his cage and refill his water and hay. I come back and he’s munching on something. I check and it’s a napkin with some cherry pits. Im not sure if he nibbled it on swallowed it or...
  16. BinkyLouie

    How to cool down a bunny in hot weather?

    Hi guys. I’m unable to take louie out in the night because the vet advised me to keep him so he would stay away from dirty things. Is it okay for him to have a fan near his little hut? It’s rotating so it’s shooting air in different directions. How far should I put it from this hut?
  17. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit got neutered today. How should I look over him?

    Sounds good. I just wanted to ask though. How do I know if he’s cold or something? I don’t have a way to check his temperature other than touching his ears. Should they be cold or warm or what exactly? I touched them rn and to me they just feel like cold but nig extremely cold. It is kind of hot...