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  1. E

    My rabbit pictures

    Thanks. She is "Baby Bunny". She's friendly butdoes not like too much touching. She loves for you to rub herhead/ears, but runs if you try to pick her up. She used to makesqueaking noises ifshe knew you were going to pick her up,but ever since she got spayed no more noises! She also liked to...
  2. E

    My rabbit pictures

    These are my 2 domestics: The black one is a 2year old girl from the pet store. The gray one is her new boyfriend,who I got from a shelter. Don't know his age.
  3. E

    Wild or Domestic

    Here's my cottontail:
  4. E

    Help me with wild baby rabbit

    I currently have a cottontail that I raised froma baby. He is over 3 years old now and lives inside with my other twodomestics. I had no trouble raising him (he was my first rabbit ever),but maybe I'm an exception.
  5. E

    HELP! Tiny BABY bunny found...!!!!

    gypsy wrote: I would disagree. I have a wild rabbit who I found as an infant andraised. We have had him for a little over three years now and he actsno differently than my 2 domestics. All 3 rabbits have their own cages,but are free to roam the house when we are home. The only thingdifferent...