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  1. krsbunny

    Keep Naomi in Your Prayers

    Naomi looks great! More "quizzical" than tilted ... If I didn't know you were fighting head tilt I probably would not have noticed. Looks like you are on the right track. My experiences with both sulfa drugsand Baytril in rabbits have been different from Randy's. Both are still quite...
  2. krsbunny

    Pain Medication Experiences

    Thanks Randy! Interesting comment about the GI issue andantibiotics. Do you have any experience with sulfasalazine? Also, I forgot to mention that the vets here do not give Banamine for more than 3 days (Dr. Allan now prefers not more than 2-3 doses). I have used Metacam several times and...
  3. krsbunny

    Just a few nutrition Questions. . .

    My bunnies want to know when Acorn is going to invite them over to sample the buffet? Kathy Smith
  4. krsbunny

    Flemish diet

    I assume your primary interest with your bunnies is promoting a long and healthy life and in that context I would personally recommend not feeding corn. My impression is that corn may have some "short term benefits," especially in certain breeds ... but with high health costs later in life...
  5. krsbunny


    I'm not sure I have ever felt swollen lymph nodes on a bunny, but it makes sense that this could a symptom of a bacterial infection that needs treatment. I know I've personally had swollen lymph nodes in the neck with infections like strep. I doubt new toys would have anything to do with...
  6. krsbunny

    neteur on thursday. (my birthday as well!!)

    The biggest and most important thing I recommend is also the hardest: try to relax. Yes, I know, easier said than done. Practice some deep calming breathing. Whenever worry creeps into your head, replace thoughts of the "outcome you fear" with a visualization of the outcome you desire! Take...
  7. krsbunny

    Pain Medication Experiences

    I am interested in hearing the experiences (good and bad) that folks on this forum have had treat a variety of types of pain (GI, dental, post-surgical, arthritis, other), what medications seem to work (and not work) for each of these, side effects you have observed personally or have heard...
  8. krsbunny

    Summers Spay Please Help Me!!!!

    Dr. Allan usually likes to keep them 3-4 hours after a spay (or other invasive surgery) to monitor them. Dentals are the only thing I ever bring a bunny home "right after"... and even then I sit with them in an exam room until they are up and moving about. Regarding an earlier comment about...
  9. krsbunny


    First ... WOW! What a great summary of antibiotic options. Randy, Convenia is a new one on me and I would really, really like to hear more about it fromyou (and any others who have used it). I really, really like that it is an injection and that it is a 3rd generation cephalosporin, both of...
  10. krsbunny

    Summers Spay Please Help Me!!!!

    If the decision to go ahead feels right to you "in your gut" it will probably be fine. If not, you can always "postpone" and do more thought/research. Dr. Allan does all her surgeries in the morning. She does not give food during the pre-surgery period at the office (usually no more than a...
  11. krsbunny

    MooShu and her lump

    I agree... don't rule out the fatty cyst. They are not that uncommon ... and I've seen them get pretty big pretty fast. And the location you describe is where I've seen them too. If you have another vet who might do a needle aspiration of cells this week, it might give you peace of mind. If...
  12. krsbunny

    Blood in urine

    No additional advice to add, but sending good energy your way.
  13. krsbunny

    unconclusive necropsy

    I am so very sorry for your loss. These are the losses where I always say "King Murray must be gathering the troops again." If you have not read King Murray's Royal Tail, I will send you a copy if you will PM your mailing address to me. I, too,have one of the best bunny vets around ...
  14. krsbunny

    Kaytee Exact

    I was alerted to this by a friend in MN. The first reply I got from Kayteetried to switch me to something else in their line. What I like about Rainbow Exact is that it is extruded ... and Harcourt-Brown discusses the benefits of this in certain GI problems. Also, I understand some vets...
  15. krsbunny

    Sudden death...cause?

    Hi Hopalong, I also lost a pair of brothers, both suddenly,during 2008 and (one in Feb and one in Aug). Both were fine at night, not fine in the morning, saw a good bunny vet that day, and both died within 48 hours. The first was diagnosed with e.c. because of paralysis, butthat didn't "feel...
  16. krsbunny

    Kaytee Exact

    I had a heart-attack moment when a friend told me they had heard this as well. I checked with both my supplier (Rabbit Stop) and Kaytee. Rabbit Stop told me only the 2.5 bags were being discontinued ... the 4 lb bags would still be available. Kaytee told me they were discontinuing it...
  17. krsbunny

    My bunny may have kidney problems

    Hi all! With the ongoing dental disease, I would hesitate to hasten toward decreasing calcium. I have done quite a bit of research in the course of updating Rabbit Health in the 21st Century (it will be a while before it's done)... but one of the things I have learned from reading about diet...