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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. shelby_duval

    Bunny grooming

    I have a netherland dwarf and a lionhead and they both just shed their coat and I was wondering, what is a good brush to use next time so there won't be hair all over the place? I was also wondering what I should use to wash my netherland dwarf's butt because he frequently gets poop stuck on it.
  2. shelby_duval

    HELP! My bunny has a possible blockage

    The vet did do a fecal test and found nothing. The vet didn't do blood work or check my rabbits teeth although I am almost certain that his mouth doesn't have anything to do with it. Sometimes you can hear his stomach making noises and he just shed his coat so I believe he consumed too much of...
  3. shelby_duval

    HELP! My bunny has a possible blockage

    Hello, I have a male netherland dwarf rabbit who is about a year old and he has not been eating or drinking for a few weeks. I took him to the vet a few days ago and the veterinarian said it could be a possible blockage. The vet gave my bunny a shot to keep him hydrated and another shot for...