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  1. Anna R.

    My rabbit never licks me

    My rabbits don't lick me either. Only once in a great while, and only if I ask to be groomed by them. Even then it is pretty rare. I don't think it is because they don't like you. Maybe he just doesn't lick. I've noticed they will be more likely to lick when they are very young. Once they...
  2. Anna R.

    Bunny sounds

    My girl Sophie is an 8 year old un-spayed mini-rex and "talks" all the time. She is the most vocal rabbit I have ever had. Our last visit to the vet she even made a comment about it. She (the vet) didn't know rabbits could be so vocal. When she doesn't like something she will give a kind of...
  3. Anna R.

    Poop stuck on bottom of rabbit feet

    I know it was a hard month for me. It broke my heart not giving them treats or pellets, especially my baby girl who had nothing wrong with her. I think it hurt me more than it hurt them; but, in the end it was worth it. Good Luck. I hope you have the same out come I did. Let me know how it...
  4. Anna R.

    Poop stuck on bottom of rabbit feet

    Hey Sunshine... My little girl was always extremely clean too. She was also overweight, or so I thought. She was with her mate 24/7 so when my other girl was just fine and had no "poopy butt" I started to investigate what was going on. I found the poopy butt can be diet related, and some...
  5. Anna R.

    Poop stuck on bottom of rabbit feet

    My girl had the same issue with poops on her butt. They would form a large like patty just below her tail. I did the same thing you did to get it off, it comes off pretty easily. Then I started reading more about "poopy butt" and found it could actually be related to her diet. It's not that...
  6. Anna R.

    Meet Cocoa

    Cocoa you are very cute. Sophie, Alice, Jasmine and Lily would like to say welcome! Our Mommy feeds us the same things. Sounds like she loves you very much. We also LOVE to chew on wood toys. Alice and Sophie are also Rexs, but the mini kind. Jasmine and Lily are Polish and love to sleep...
  7. Anna R.

    Oldest bunny?

    My first rabbit lived to be 12 years old. I currently have a mini rex (Sophie) and she is 8 and still going strong. Full of spunk and keeps up with her bonded mate that is 1-1/2.
  8. Anna R.

    Hi everyone - new bunny mom Dad here...

    Glad all went well with the homecoming. They sure are VERY cute additions to your family. They look happy and healthy. Congrats on your new family members. Sounds like they are getting lots of love and attention, maybe was a good distraction for the buns. Hope they get used to their new...
  9. Anna R.

    Hi everyone - new bunny mom Dad here...

    Good Luck with your "Homecoming day" tomorrow. Enjoy your new family members. Your girls must be Super Excited. :D Just wanted to say you are doing a great job so far. Getting all the information your new pets need, what excellent support for your daughters. You will Rock being a "Bunny Mom...
  10. Anna R.

    Hi everyone - new bunny mom Dad here...

    one other thing I did think of... You will want to provide a "hiding spot" for each of them. They will need that, especially when they first arrive in their new home. It will provide a safe place for them. I see one on the upper level of the left side; but, nothing on the right. You have...
  11. Anna R.

    Hi everyone - new bunny mom Dad here...

    Thank you for saying that. After I posted it I thought the same thing. I was just concerned with the rabbits slipping on the plastic as I have issues with that in the past. But, I agree in not putting bedding down it will confuse them and it will be a giant litter box for them. Not something...
  12. Anna R.

    Hi everyone - new bunny mom Dad here...

    One thing I would suggest is the "shelves" will also need a plastic bottom (or cardboard). I have the same storage panels and covered the "shelves" with cardboard and put a heavy fabric over the cardboard for slipping (I used a double sided carpet tape to hold the fabric to the cardboard and...
  13. Anna R.

    Enlarged Bladder?

    I am hoping someone can help me. I am not sure if anyone else has issues with bladders? I was in the vet about a month ago and the vet said she found a lump in my rabbit's stomach and was probably her bladder. She said not to be concerned as she didn't know if it was just normal for my rabbit...
  14. Anna R.


    you have to keep them separate. The female will not get lonely, she will have her babies to keep her company. The males need to be separate from her and each other and fixed ASAP. It takes a few weeks for them to lose their ability to impregnate the female. If you let them play together you...
  15. Anna R.

    Rabbit chewing fur

    That is so funny about the sucking noises. My little mini rex sucks her water up instead of lapping it up. She too sounds like a vacuum making the funny sucking noises. They are so funny. :p I think the dried fruits are sugary, so that is why they love them so much.
  16. Anna R.

    Rabbit chewing fur

    I have to take back my post of "Rabbits don't usually like Pineapple". I did an experiment last night and gave all four of my girls a small piece of pineapple just to see if they would eat it. They gobbled it down so fast and were begging for more. So, apparently bunnies DO like pineapple...
  17. Anna R.

    Rabbit chewing fur

    he is definitely molting, especially if you are bringing him in from outside. This totally natural. Temperature changes will cause them to molt, as they don't need as much fur inside as they do outside. Don't be alarmed. Just watch that he keeps eating and pooping normally. Seeing fur in...
  18. Anna R.

    Rabbit chewing fur

    Papaya helps too. Rabbits don't usually like Pineapple. You can also buy rabbit "hairball" stuff online or at a pet store. But, I found Papaya works great and they LOVE it. It does help, just not to much as it is loaded with sugar.
  19. Anna R.

    Anyone else's bunny do this? *face palm*

    P.S. the "flying back flips"... I think your rabbit might have the same genes my does. She (the one in the photo) does flying drop kicks at the manger to loosen up hay. She's also gotten her head "stuck" between the bars as she has found that perfect piece and now can't seem to get out...
  20. Anna R.

    Anyone else's bunny do this? *face palm*

    that is too funny! I have come up with lots of "thwartation devices" as well. I'm glad I am not the only one who often asks "What the #$#?" and "How the &^#?". Then try to solve it by coming up with some other creative invention. Trial and error. Lot's of training and patience (for...