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  1. jcl_24

    New to the Forum

    Sammysounds like a bundle of bunny fun :D.Welcome to the forum to you both and Sammy. Photos are always welcome! Jo xx
  2. jcl_24

    Very large dewlap

    Any updates? I hope all is OK :) Jo xx
  3. jcl_24

    rip baby....

    How did the vets visit go? Best wishes to you and your bun. I'm sorry about the baby bun. Jo xx
  4. jcl_24

    whos youre bunny lover!!!!!!!

    'The Grey Top" (bunny Mom's Dad). He wakes up really early like me, and always makes sure I'm fine. He talks gently to me and tells me I'm gorgeous. He even sings a little song just for me. I show him I love him too by making sure to check him out fully and greet him when he comes into a room or...
  5. jcl_24

    whos youre bunny lover!!!!!!!

    Oh that was me, the little Guy. xx
  6. jcl_24

    whos youre bunny lover!!!!!!!

    Mommy for sure. She fusses me whenever I come up to her, except when I try to make her stop cleaning my hutch and fuss me instead on cold days. And she smells sooo nice!
  7. jcl_24

    Ruby passed away :(

    You made a decison for Ruby to let her have peace instead of suffering. I'm sorry Ruby had to go. She will know how much you loved her and that she isn't forgotten. RIP Ruby :bunnyangel: Jo xx
  8. jcl_24

    I'm Afraid I Went Too Far: Starving Surrounded by Hay?

    Good to read thatHope is back to her usual self :) Jo xx
  9. jcl_24


    My first rabbit Fluffy used various growls to show me she was not pleased with whatever. Quite appropriate as she was a Lionhead :D
  10. jcl_24


    Some bunnies have a prime combination for mischeif by being very curious and physically agile as well. Sounds like your bun is one of those :).
  11. jcl_24

    A Lop Ear?

    Helicopter bunny ears! Adorable looking rabbit and her personality sounds lovely too :big kiss: Jo xx
  12. jcl_24

    Was she falling asleep?

    I was "fussing" Ebony, giving her long strokes over her back and body (I've got big hands and long fingers) which she seems to like. A few weeks agoI was doing this and she seemed to go into this repeated cycle where her eyelids would slowly close, I think she twitched for just a couple of...
  13. jcl_24

    Bunny Behaviour Translation

    Ah the bunny foot stamping: Can bea sign of alarm or a way to say "Pay attention to me NOW!" :energizerbunny:
  14. jcl_24

    Lots of lionhead babies ;)

    Wow, 18 babies must be keeping the Momma buns and you super busy! I'm sorry 2 didn't make it. Jo xx
  15. jcl_24

    2 litters of lionhead kits (now 3 days old) *****pics****

    Congrats! How are they doing today? Feel free to upload more photos :D Jo xx
  16. jcl_24

    Very possessive and protective of me??

    "he kept running up to me and nipping my leg" = "Pay attention to me now!" Guy nips my toes if I'm not fussing him enough in his mind :)
  17. jcl_24

    R.I.P. 30 UVic Bunnies

    Facebook Group against the actions of the woman who killed the rescue centre's escaped rabbits:-!/group.php?gid=166549806691602
  18. jcl_24

    Bun wont chew

    I think it's apple tree branches that are meant to taste nice to buns. Some pet shops sell them, so perhaps try one of those? Does your rabbit eat much hay? That can help grind the teth down to some extent. Jo xx
  19. jcl_24

    Rescued a bunny ! !

    Damaged ear or not, she is gorgeous! Sweet and cautiously curious looking. Lucky bunny to be taken in by you :D Have you had five minutes spare to think of any possible names for her? Looking forward to hearing more about her new life with you. Jo xx
  20. jcl_24

    Caption Contest #76

    Bird: Why bother flying? Bunny: Get itOFF me!