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  1. B


    Also, is it normal for a bunny to run up to the front door whenever I'm near it and sit right in front of it so I can't get out? I thought females this clingy only existed in movies... :D
  2. B


    Hahah. I really do want to get it recorded but it's so random and usually when I'm not concentrating on her, thus the second I show any sign of attention she stops. Someday though! Would be really interested to hear a clucking/honking bunny. Such awesome creatures!
  3. B


    Recently my bunny's been acting up; she's about 8 months old so I guess she's in her teen months but that's by the by. She's started quacking. When she's circling me and quietly grunting/moaning/buzzing (whatever you want to call it), sometimes she'll make a noise that virtually sounds like a...