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  1. Indywtf

    New to rabbits!

    "Usually it's recommended to start with keeping the new rabbit in a smaller rabbit proofed area, then gradually expanding their space when they are using the litter box well (peeing in it primarily, poop is a whole different thing). Giving too much space too quickly, can cause these types of...
  2. Indywtf

    Poop city!

    We have a 3 your old flem living with us who is litter trained and have had a few bouts of random marking poops in a room about 6 to 12 inches apart(not regular piles). But man can he poop. Mega poop. We started a garden in our yard 2 years ago for both us and him, and put up blink cameras which...
  3. Indywtf


    Our bun is a banana addict but anything more than a sliver gives him less than optimal poop. We now just separate a portion of his greens on occasion and rub them with a cut banana to give him his fix. We tried dicing a banana slice and tucking them randomly in greens leaves but he would find...
  4. Indywtf

    PLEASE HELP!!! GI stasis (RIP)

    Love and Prayers sent. Binky Free. We have lost to stasis also, so heartbreaking.
  5. Indywtf

    How big do you think my rabbit will get?

    Those are Flemish giant ears! You are going to have a big bun. We feed ours a lot, (free feed pellets and hay, Big salad's twice a day) and will decrease pellets at 18 months. I would say you will have 16 lbs plus.
  6. Indywtf

    How big do you think my rabbit will get?

    Have a picture with his/her ears up? Walter is amost 6 months old in my profile pic.
  7. Indywtf

    How big do you think my rabbit will get?

    Just walked on on our baby and got scared because he wasn't in our bedroom on his soft rug. Hes ok (wore himself out playing with the cat). Anyway... hes 100% flemmish and had huge ears when he was young and eventually grew in to them, so I guess you may be able to add that to the equation. Hes...
  8. Indywtf

    My bunny know I love him

    lol, so sweet! Sounds like he loves you too. The only time my bunny hears me is when I have his salad or have my hand in the box of meadow loops :]
  9. Indywtf

    Large amount dander found on skin

    I'm in a small town near the great lakes in the U.S., Very safe here. We always lived in big cities but never again... You can have a McMansion here for cheap, while being safe, on a large plot of land, with great neighbors.
  10. Indywtf

    Large amount dander found on skin

    Well after you get her healthy , you are going to have a beautiful young lady bun named Frank that will thank you for saving her from them. Kudo's for rescuing her, even if it was from a breeder.
  11. Indywtf

    Large amount dander found on skin

    Our bun had dander and we took him to the vet, he checked with a microscope and found no mites. We took him back a couple weeks later, still no mites. We changed his food and his "Dandruff" was gone in a month or so (it looked just like your pic). He's a giant breed and eats so much we were...
  12. Indywtf

    Litterbox issues, enclosure solution?

    I was about to hijack the thread asking about letting our bun have access to our kitchen, which has a super glossy floor. I noticed the reflection in the image and couldn't imagine our guy getting around on that floor. We blocked off our kitchen after watching his first slippery venture in and...
  13. Indywtf


    Looks like a happy bunny with good parents. My gf and I both say we are better humans, loving and caring for our free roam family member. Getting chinned is kind of a big responsibility, she will look for you when you get home, when she wakes up, gets hungry, wants to play, gets hurt, is scared...
  14. Indywtf

    How important are pellets?

    This site can’t be reached refused to connect.
  15. Indywtf

    Vets won't help till friday!

    We lost our angel to stasis, It broke our hearts in 24 hours. veggies suck now. prayers n binkies
  16. Indywtf


    Sensitive little angels... He's in our prayers for his new home.
  17. Indywtf

    Ways to get involved with rabbits?

    My girlfriend helps once a week at our local animal shelter and there is always at least 1 bun there. One day she brought home our little angel and we have been hooked since. Maybe just stop by your shelter and (if they have bunnies there) ask if you can let them out from time to time. They...
  18. Indywtf

    HELP!! Issues with new bunny

    "Snuffles is a term used to describe the symptoms of runny eyes, runny nose and sneezing in rabbits. The cause of these symptoms is often a chronic bacterial infection in the tear ducts and nasal sinuses. The bacteria involved are usually Pasteurella spp or Staphylococcus spp. "
  19. Indywtf

    Thumper Passed Away

    So sorry. We lost our beautiful bun this year. Giving huge amounts of love to our new baby has helped. prayers and binky free