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  1. Kayleighrix

    Bunny Behaviour - laying on sister.

    My two French Lops are sisters that have lived together 5 years but lately one of the sisters is excessively laying on the other. The one at the bottom has been I’ll with e cuniculi and has partial paralysis. Both rabbits are currently being treated. My question was, is the one on top laying on...
  2. Kayleighrix

    French Lop dragging hind legs.

    So after seeing another vet and getting x rays Biscuit (My French Lops name) and her sister are getting treated for ecuniculi. Apart from not being able to get in her litter tray and sometimes getting up she has been ok. She seems to be eating and drinking and moving as much as she can. No...
  3. Kayleighrix

    French Lop dragging hind legs.

    Thank you. the vet said it was either arthritis or a neurological issue. She asked me to try the Metacam to see if it helped improved her movement as this would confirm arthritis if she improved. I’m supposed to call back in a few days. I think from hearing of e Cuniculi, this seems much more...
  4. Kayleighrix

    French Lop dragging hind legs.

    Hi, I have a 5 year old French lop who has over the last 2 weeks seriously struggled to hop. First thing I did when I noticed she started falling over and dragging both her back legs was call the vet and they gave her Metacam as they noticed she had weakness in her back legs but she still had...