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  1. S

    Where Were You?

    I was 6, in 1st grade, but I was going in late that day because of an appointment and my 19 year old sister yelled for my mom and I to stop getting ready and come to her and the tv. I didn't understand it at all, I thought the entire country was going to be blown up. I don't know how long we sat...
  2. S

    paralyzed bunny, can't get to a vet for 7 hours, isn't going to the bathroom ( RIP )

    Getting over there to say goodbye and hold him would have taken an hour back and forth and they said he was in pain and probably was really hard for him to breathe, so I couldn't prolong that. I fed him and cleaned him as well as I could yesterday and the day before, so that's kind of like...
  3. S

    paralyzed bunny, can't get to a vet for 7 hours, isn't going to the bathroom ( RIP )

    My mother called and said that the vet said he would need several different tests for his symptoms but he was underweight so they didn't think he'd make it through the tests. They said he was probably in pain and recommended euthanization so of course I wanted that as soon as possible. Mom...
  4. S

    paralyzed bunny, can't get to a vet for 7 hours, isn't going to the bathroom ( RIP )

    Well. He pooped again 5 hours later and it seemed more solid but not quite like normal, and then again 4 hours later and this time it was just as usual. He doesn't seem any more interested in eating, maybe even less interested. But he wasn't as cold as he was yesterday. And he peed, too. My...
  5. S

    paralyzed bunny, can't get to a vet for 7 hours, isn't going to the bathroom ( RIP )

    Sorry, my mom took over for 3 hours so I could sleep a little bit. He's a tiny bit better. Unfortunately, both our emergency animal hospitals don't have experience with rabbits :( I did stop the kitten milk and we didn't have any sugarless carton juice, but we have a juicer so I made some...
  6. S

    paralyzed bunny, can't get to a vet for 7 hours, isn't going to the bathroom ( RIP )

    I tried rubbing his tummy a little and his back legs stretched out a tiny and he arched his back a little ways and he looks like he's either tensing up or trying to push.
  7. S

    paralyzed bunny, can't get to a vet for 7 hours, isn't going to the bathroom ( RIP )

    Sorry, I have quite a fever and I hope this is all legible. I know it's long and a lot is prob useless info, but I can't really edit back over it in this state. I adopted Milo from a woman who didn't have time for him any more, since she had a new husband(and dog, who did not like rabbits) and...