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  1. Chickenlittle586

    kung foo rabbit

    Thank you everyone for your answers. She'salmost a year old she's 10 months old. I have no idea what age dutchrabbits go through their "terrible twos". I'll be putting money to theside slowly to put toward getting her spayed. i REALLY hope that solvesthe issue and that she doesn't just hate me...
  2. Chickenlittle586

    kung foo rabbit

    Oneof my rabbits, Dutchess (a dutch rabbit) has become very aggressivelately. She used to be the sweetest little girl in the world but now itjust seems like she turned into devil bunny. When i go in her cage tofeed her, pet her, anything that involves going in her cage, she lungesat me and tries...
  3. Chickenlittle586


    Thank you for your answer :)
  4. Chickenlittle586


    Hello rabbit lovers! I was just wondering......i've been sick with the flu for the past few days and i was wondering if my rabbits can catch it from me.........should i not touch them until i'm better? I've heard that animals can catch illnesses from people and i've heard that they can't and i'm...
  5. Chickenlittle586

    What breed is this rescued bunny?

    it kinda looks like a lionhead/dutch mix
  6. Chickenlittle586

    Baby Rabbit

    my rabbit had babies and seems to have rejectedthem because they are getting extremely thin and i'm starting to worryabout them. It looks like they are starving. They are only a few daysold and their eyes are still closed. What could i use as a milk for thebabies? kitten milk? whole milk? baby...
  7. Chickenlittle586


    Heyeveryone! My buns and i are new here and we just wanted to say hi andhow is everyone? Happy Hopping!