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  1. kmaben

    Rabbit photoshoot!

    When my rabbits have their easter sessions I just peruse the dollar store. I've found some really cute props for them. Flowers to sit with, baskets to sit in, etc. At the studio she'll have neat props as well like a picket fence or a wagon maybe. I have a really neat rose picture with my little...
  2. kmaben

    Don't know if Ben might have licked a whisky!

    Have to agree with Bville. Caused a chuckle out of me too. Rabbits digest and process really quickly. It'll pass out of his system within the next couple of hours. If he's easting, peeing, pooping normal no big deal. If I listed everything my one rabbit has been into you'd have a heart attack...
  3. kmaben

    Ears are flopping down

    Perfectly fine and perfectly normal. Just depends on Roos crown control. Some floppy eared rabbits can control their ears all together. They may stick straight out like an airplane. They may lop completely and never stand up again. They may lop when tired and he can control them enough to perk...
  4. kmaben

    Need support. My pet is missing

    If you can put the cage out remember to put it in a spot that is clear of trees so the bird looking down can see it. I read one article that recommended putting it on top of a car or the top of your house. They tend to stick in the area until startled but can fly pretty far. Like towns or...
  5. kmaben


    Kai has bad allergies. He gets a runny nose and sneezing alot and sometimes a runny eye. He goes to the vet for it all the time. Vet just tells me it's allergies. Unless it's a color other than clear or she has matted chin/chest fur I wouldnt worry about it. I've learned whats normal for Kai and...
  6. kmaben

    Shya-she does what she wants

    wow I just reread that post. Must have been on something when I wrote it. My old cat had to have some dental work done but nothing major here. The home for the kitten fell through. He's a complete terrorist who will probably end up giving me cat scratch fever. He can be really sweet when he's...
  7. kmaben

    french lop litter, only 3 kits?

    I call the broken choco chestnut!! I love Frenchies. Such good buns. Havent met one that I didnt like. Well......there was that one moody doe but she was prego and I couldnt blame her for that.
  8. kmaben

    Shya-she does what she wants

    Ohhhhh lordy it's been awhile. I hate my job. I come home exhausted. I'll be 20 weeks (5 months) this thursday. I've tried to divorce my husband three times now. And I've finally had to by bigger clothes. Not by much but enough to cause a seen at the Goodwill. Like something out of the movie...
  9. kmaben

    Wendell the Wandering Wabbit's Travel Blog

    Paddy Mcrabbit appeals to my Scottish nature. I'm down!
  10. kmaben

    What did you do today?

    Shya here. I chewed up a boot lace so now one is alot shorter than the other. The human was not pleased and late to work. I feel accomplished and it's early yet.
  11. kmaben

    Black rabbits not popular....??? why is this........

    ^ See evil genes. Proven again!
  12. kmaben

    Black rabbits not popular....??? why is this........

    No no. Black rabbits are proven carriers of an evil gene. It's more dominate in some than others.
  13. kmaben

    Shya-she does what she wants

    Ugh I dont think they had ever been cleaned out. And I'm the pregnant one! Good to know when the going gets smelly Omar bails -_- Normally with the rabbits I put them on top of the dryer and groom them. Kai tolerates this for a good 20 minutes. I can clip his nails no problem, look and clean...
  14. kmaben

    Just a few questions!

    Neutering wont change his personality drastically. If he's already sweet he'll stay sweet. Like anything else their personalities are part nature part nurture. Neutering a cat or dog doesnt change who they are. Same thing with rabbits.
  15. kmaben

    Shya-she does what she wants

    Holy Jesus God. I just cleaned Mansels anal glands. Frankins were the only ones that would get dirty and they werent that bad. Omar gagged at the smell and took off running like a little girl. I use to think when people would post about anal glands they were just being pansies. I may take Mansel...
  16. kmaben

    Monty, my [big] baby bunny 2012

    Deeeeeeeew Laaaaaaaaaap! She is such a pretty girl. She just exudes calm even through the camera. Love that big girl!
  17. kmaben

    What are rabbits, to you?

    Rabbits are evil, bratty, and anger management. Well at least my three are. Shya, Kai and Mansel ;) In that order!!
  18. kmaben

    Shya-she does what she wants

    Well. Mansel lost his gentleman status. I was laying on the floor with him. Petting him and talking to him. He started sniffing around and exploring so I was petting shya and Kai through their pen. All of a sudden Mansel was all over my head. I thought he was trying to jump OVER me until I heard...
  19. kmaben

    Are dwarf lop rabbit ears supposed to be warm?

    It's kind of a yes and no thing. They should feel warm to the touch because the skin is thinner and you can feel the heat from the blood flowing easier in the ears. However overly hot is not normal. Make it a habit of petting the ears and knowing what is a normal temperature for your buns ears...
  20. kmaben

    I'm Going to Rescue :)

    That's so awesome! I didnt know that Bun Jovi was gone. Glad the hubster isnt atleast standing in the way! Can't wait to see what you end up with. Yes the black buns are always over looked much like big black dogs and black cats. However my black bun is extremely evil. So caution! Hope you get a...