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  1. bunnydude

    Derby winner BARBARO Is Euthenized !

    What a shame... :sad:
  2. bunnydude

    New From Indiana

    :colors:Welcome, Stephanie!!!:colors: Matt:cool:
  3. bunnydude


    Welcome! This place will be a great source ofinfo before you get your rabbit. I joined several months before Iadopted my two, and this place was an absolute treasure trove ofinformation:) Matt:cool:
  4. bunnydude


    My understanding is that applying preventativetreatment is unneccesary and sometimes dangerous. And if a bunny needsto be treated for flea infestation, you have to be extremely careful asmany over-the-counter medications can be very dangerous. Matt
  5. bunnydude


    Welcome to Rabbits Only! :welcome1
  6. bunnydude

    Hello from Arizona!

    Hi Amy, welcome to Rabbits Only! Good luck with the bunny search! -Matt:cool:
  7. bunnydude

    Angel's tumour, as things progress Z

    I'll be keeping Angel in my thoughts:clover:.But whatever it is, you certainly caught it early. She's lucky to have someone like you watching out for her! Matt
  8. bunnydude

    Sick and S.A.D.

    So sorry to hear you're not feeling well:(. Ifeel kinda blah this time of year too. Have you ever talked to a doctorabout the SAD? I think they prescribe some people lightboxes thatsimulate the spectrum of sunlight. And look on the bright side, thedays are starting to get longer again (slowly...
  9. bunnydude

    New Member

    A warm welcome to Rabbits Only!:welcome1 So sorry to hear about Seymore, but Scampers is absolutely beautiful. And best of luck with bonding her to Gardenia:). Can't wait to see pictures! -Matt:cool:
  10. bunnydude

    Question about our scratching bunny

    I'll second jordiwes' reccomendation to see a vet. Most any issue is easier to deal with if its caught early. Matt
  11. bunnydude

    Business name

    I kind of like JordiWebs:)
  12. bunnydude

    Baby Bunny Binkies on video!!!!

    Great video! I've never been succesful at capturing a binkie in a picture or a video:?
  13. bunnydude


    I'm sure they'll love 'em. Mine go absolutely crazy whenever I bring craisins into the room!
  14. bunnydude

    NEW MEMBERS (Feb. 2006 - Jan. 2007) CLOSED

    :colors::colors::colors:Welcome Lara:colors::colors::colors: And congrats on posting the first intro of '07! -Matt:cool:
  15. bunnydude

    For those who read Discipleship Journal

    Awesome! I'm so happy for you:colors:
  16. bunnydude

    gnawing on cage

    My two altered rabbits do this as well. I thinkit's just an attention getting thing. When I see them doing it I put myhand in front of their face, making it harder for them to get theirteeth around the bars. They still gnaw on the cage, but they've atleast been doing it less. Matt
  17. bunnydude

    JJ binkies!

    Great video! And welcome back! :welcome2 Matt
  18. bunnydude

    Want to take my girls to the park...

    I definitely wouldn't let them directly on thatgrass. Better safe than sorry. But how about bringing along a mat toplace under the pen? That way they can still enjoy the outdoors:) -Matt
  19. bunnydude

    some kids dont like veggies

    Just as naturestee mentioned, a high qualitypellet will provide Merlin with all the nutrients he needs. But if youstill want to entice him to eat veggies, I would highly reccomendparsley and mint. Those are my rabbits' favorites.
  20. bunnydude

    hi im new here

    Hi Rob, welcome to Rabbits Only!:welcome1 -Matt:cool: