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  1. lilangelhotots

    RabbiTatt, EZ Tatt, or Ketchum clamp?

    I'm looking to buy either a tattoo pen or a standard clamp. I will be tattooing dwarfs so which would be better? I don't have many bunnies so I would probably tattoo only a few times a year when the litters are born. Anyone have the EZ tatt or RabbiTatt tool? Would you recommend it? Easy to...
  2. lilangelhotots

    Winter Breeding

    That's a good idea Roger! I have a doe that does exactly that-she'll pull all the hay out of the boxand have the babies on the hay. I'll remember this and try that next time.
  3. lilangelhotots

    Conditioning/Supplement recipies

    Anyone care to share their feeding program for their show bunnies? Pretty please?:DMost breeders I've talked to keep their supplement recipie a secret... Thank you SO much!
  4. lilangelhotots

    What color is this doe??

    Thanks guys! I totally agree, even though the breeder stated to me that there was no possible way she could be anything but Blue's on her pedigree too....:dunnoOh well, at leastnow I know she's a sable point-I'll mark it onher breeding record.Thanks!
  5. lilangelhotots

    What color is this doe??

    Okay, my little jersey wooly doe, Autumn, is a mystery color! LOL Her lineage is tort, mom is broken tort, dad is solid tort. She is...??? I was told only blue cream would come from torts but she is NOT blue in any way. If it were up to me, I'd say she looks sable point if anything. She has...
  6. lilangelhotots

    Full feed for 2 days

    Hi Everyone, I'm going to be out of town for two days and was wondering if giving them full feed will hurt them? I usually feed at night, I do have a backup person that said she'll come over to feed if need I just wanted to hear some opinions. Thanks!
  7. lilangelhotots

    PHOTO PHILE CONTEST! Hoppy Holidays!

    Awe, thanks you guys.:P The buns really deserve all the credit, they were so good! I love all of the other pics too-keep um coming everyone! I'm going to be out of town next week so happy early Thanksgiving to everybody and every bun.;)
  8. lilangelhotots

    What breed+color ...

    Looks like a smoke pearl Holland or Mini Lop to me.:)
  9. lilangelhotots

    PHOTO PHILE CONTEST! Hoppy Holidays!

    Merry Christmas from 'Big Daddy': A snuggle bunny from Santa ('Sophie'): I Love my buns!!:biggrin2:
  10. lilangelhotots

    Purina Fibre3

    I just got a bag of the new Purina Fibre3, not by choice but because they ordered the wrong kind for me. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else was using this? I was giving Purina Show rabbit and so this feed has 1% more protein and less fat. What do you think of this feed? Here's the breakdown...
  11. lilangelhotots

    Ear/Fur mites resistant to Ivermectin??

    Thanks Randy and Haley, I'll be going to the vet Monday afternoon. I'll also pick up some Revolution for the other buns. They only weigh about 2-3 pounds, the kitten/cat Revolution will be fine? I saw somewhere that a lady was trying to dose the amount herself-guess I should consult a vet about...
  12. lilangelhotots

    Ear/Fur mites resistant to Ivermectin??

    Hi Everyone, Okay, I bought a young doethe first ofseptember. She had ear mites really bad and bald patches behind her ears(probably fur mites). I immediatly gave her a small amount(pea sized) of the Ivermectin paste. Treated her again 12 days later and then again 12 days after that. She did...
  13. lilangelhotots

    Wooly due Nov. 10th...what about the cold weather?

    Hmm, I have a doe due the 10th of November. I thought the barn was pretty insulated but yesterday when I put a thermometor out there it was 48 degrees! I raise Jersey Woolies so they love the cool air but I'm worried about the little babies when they arrive. Does anyone use a heat pad or just...
  14. lilangelhotots

    Trying to teach Squidz to Tatt a bunny..

    Neat pictures! So would you reccomend the RabbiTat pen? Easy to use I guess?
  15. lilangelhotots

    The fall/early winter rabbitry..

    I Love your rabbitry!! Did you build it yourself? What does your AC rabbitry look like? I'm trying to deciede whether to build an outside bunny barn or stick with the air conditioned plan. Hmm. Thanks for sharing these!
  16. lilangelhotots

    Breeders! Let's see your rabbitry websites...

    These sites look *Great* you guys!! I've bookmarked them all! I love using a website for organizing things and creating exposure for your breed too. My site is: :biggrin2: Thanks for sharing the links, keep um coming!
  17. lilangelhotots

    Breeders! Let's see your rabbitry websites...

    I have a couple bookmarked, would love to see some more to get ideas and keep updated on everyone's rabbitries!:biggrin2:
  18. lilangelhotots

    What a day!!

    WOW!!! Congrats Polly!
  19. lilangelhotots

    My Rabbitry blog...

    Awe, Lol Thanks Becca! I love reading about Dippy and Fluffball on your RO blog.:D;)
  20. lilangelhotots

    My Rabbitry blog...

    Hey Everyone, It's been a while since I've posted here. I was wondering if anyone has a rabbitry blog other than ones hereon RO? Please check mine out, I'd love to add others and watch for updates too. Lindsey:biggrin2: