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  1. Phinnsmommy

    What Colour JLS t-shirt shall I get?

    Don't get any of them, put the money towards the neuters instead ;).
  2. Phinnsmommy

    Starting a band

    Thats cool :). Be sure to show us when you put it on youtube! What kind of music are you guys doing? And what gave you the idea for the name?
  3. Phinnsmommy

    Cat mothers Baby Bunny

    Aww, that is so sweet. But, I thought cat saliva was toxic to bunnies?
  4. Phinnsmommy

    Do you feed veggies? Fruit?

    Mine get veggies everyday and fruit maybe once a week.
  5. Phinnsmommy

    Resolved-Phinn acting off

    Hi guys! Glad to report Phinn is mainly back to normal. He's eating now atleast. He's still acting a bit uncomfortable, but maybe that's just me imagining it, lol. I'm guessing that was just a bout of gas. Jeez- those are scary :shock:. Thankyou!
  6. Phinnsmommy

    Kleenmama's hay

    I LOVE Kleenmama's! You and the buns will defenitly be happy :P
  7. Phinnsmommy

    Resolved-Phinn acting off

    Phinn didn't eat his greens at about 9 tonight, and I just gave them their usual pellets and a treat before bedtime, and he wouldn't eat that either :?. He's acting really skittish and scared, and his tummy feels hard. I gave him about a syringe of baby gas meds, hopefully gas is all that this...
  8. Phinnsmommy

    Names: Your full name?

    Mine is Silvie Amilda Meraid (not giving last name). I hate my name :(. All of your guys' names are lovely!
  9. Phinnsmommy

    2008 Presidential Vote

    I didn't like McCains speech... I think he needed to cut the crap. He was like, Barack is a great man, and he will be a great leader for this country, when just a couple days ago he was calling him a communist and terrorist... I love Obama :biggrin2:. I really agree on everything he says, and...
  10. Phinnsmommy

    Morgan, Marlin, and Brody

    Amy your boys are so handsome<33
  11. Phinnsmommy

    Becca's Beautiful Bunnies Business

    All your pictures are so cute, I really liked looking at them :).
  12. Phinnsmommy

    Stressed rabbit

    Maybe try and move his cage to a room where there is less sound of the fireworks,like a laundry room, basement, or a room without windows. Try and keep the noise level down and maybe put a blanket over half of the cage. Is he eating/drinking/pooping/peeing normally?
  13. Phinnsmommy

    White Urine?

    I bet it's just that he had a little bit too much calcium, I find pee's like that in my bunnies cage occasionally. Did you give him any calcium rich greens like kale etc? Or maybe its just from the switch over to the new pellets. Either way it's probobly nothing to worry about, but if it...
  14. Phinnsmommy


    I was a bunny :P (middle) (left) I made my tutu :biggrin2:. I hope you all had a happy halloween! Your costumes look great :).
  15. Phinnsmommy

    Sometimes, we all need to smile...

    Aww, that's so cute :).
  16. Phinnsmommy

    Do you love reading?

    I :hearts the twilight saga :biggrin2:
  17. Phinnsmommy

    Rude/Inaccurate conversation with vet tech

    I don't think your over-reacting at all :?! I would speak to the vet and hopefully he or she is much more knowledgeable than that vet tech. That doesn't even make sense since rabbits can't even throw up :shock:.
  18. Phinnsmommy

    *Raises hand* My Name is Fran and I have a problem

    I LOVE SHOES :)! Omg, those heels you posted are adorable! I just got a new pair of Uggs today. I love them. So cute and comfy ;).
  19. Phinnsmommy

    Taking my kitty to the emerg. vet

    Yeah :) Does anyone know if it's normal for him to be doing these small "foamy" throwups from the antibiotics? Other than that he's acting perfect, just a little sleepy from the meds.
  20. Phinnsmommy

    Taking my kitty to the emerg. vet

    Good news! The vet went fine. They think he got a little scratch on his ear and then he was scratching his ear to make it worse. They cleaned it up, and it looked so much better. He takes prednisone for his asthma every once in awhile so he gets an extra dose of that tonight and an extra one...