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  1. katt

    Silly Rabbits

    ugh Myia, doesn't spraying suck!!! I am rather used to it, since I kept a herd of about 30 to 60 rabbits you were going to get sprayed once in a while, but when I wake up in the morning and have to wash my cell phone off because chaucer got a little pee on it I start to draw a line. Not to...
  2. katt

    Silly Rabbits

    Well, it has been a while since I have posted, updated, or even logged onto RO. I have been busy with the holiday weekend, and well, my internet (not mine really, but whoever is near me that doesn't have a locked wireless connection) has not been working at all!!! Very hard to get online! So...
  3. katt

    Showing off some spring pics!

    Thanks Stan. Yup, Sasha is a Nikon D3000 and I love her! And yeah, I did use the flash for some of the photos. It was slightly overcast that day and the flash helped to pick up some more detail. And yeah Crystal, that is my nephew! He is a cutie (although I am biases lol). We were coloring...
  4. katt

    Silly Rabbits

    AH! so not only has my blog fallen to the second page, but 1/2 down the second page! I promise to really try for some more photos soon! I have just been SO busy lately! and I thought I would share why: Meet Evan, my brand new nephew!!! and I have also been doing lots of this...
  5. katt

    hi everyone! :)

    Just wanted to pop in and say welcome :wave: I am totally in love with your rabbits! they are adorable! can't wait to see more photos!
  6. katt

    New here

    Hello! Welcome to the forum and to the world of bunny ownership! aren't rexes just about the softest fur you have ever touched? We would love to see photos! (hint hint ;) )
  7. katt

    Showing off some spring pics!

    yes, I named my camera. Sasha seems to go everywhere with me these days! just had to show off for all my non-facebook friends! first hit of spring! I am really proud of myself cause I am starting to use custom settings instead of auto. the more photos i take, the...
  8. katt

    Questions about my rabbit

    welcome to the world of rabbit ownership! There are 2 terms you need to know: bunny-500's and Binkies the first action (running suddenly VERY fast) is a bunny-500. It is just kinda 'fun' for a rabbit, kinda like a game to them. the second (suddenly jumping) is a binkie, or what we call...
  9. katt

    Well garbage was collected today..

    I would also give unlimited hay, I wouldn't free feed the pellets yet, but give him a good amount each day. also, I would be making sure he is hydrated. from the sound of it, he wasn't taken care of properly and that could mean he also didn't have fresh water to drink all the time. I would be...
  10. katt

    Storing/Freezing Canned Pumpkin...

    It can be kept up to a year frozen but I honestly don't keep it more then six months just because I am weird like that!
  11. katt

    I still need to hear from these VIP's

    I have no idea what I am/was suppose to get lol. I don't really need anything, Just wanted to give to the forum because I love it here!
  12. katt

    about that getting healthy and dropping the pounds thing. . .

    GoinBackToCali wrote: I REALLY want to derby skate, but my area JUST got a team started (haven't even had a launch party for it yet) and I honestly don't have the freedom in my schedule to even think about joining. maybe in a year or 2. . . and thanks everyone. I really wanted to be...
  13. katt

    about that getting healthy and dropping the pounds thing. . .

    I am a failure. a complete and total failure. got on the scale today, and bam gained 8 pounds in like one month. I have NOT been eating healthy. and I can totally tell. and the worse part is: my higher the scale gets, the more I just want to sit down with a bag of cookies and say...
  14. katt

    Silly Rabbits

    so I haven't udated my blog in days! ugh, so the sad news is that I lost my betta fish today. He has been sick for a long time now, and after struggling to make him better he just kinda left us. I found him when I got home tonight. Goodbye Cornelius. . . you will be missed little buddy
  15. katt

    Please tell me about new hollands - especially holland breeders!

    okay, here is my view on them, but remember that a) I haven't breed hollands in YEARS and b) they aren't posed so it is hard to tell. the buck (solid tort)- great head, great ear length, needs to have a wider crown. looks a little long in the body, and looks to lack a little 'fullness' (or...
  16. katt

    Hi there! New with a few questions :)

    Hello! Welcome to the forum! To answer you questions: Honestly, getting an already bonded pair is great because you don't have to go to all the trouble of bonding a pair yourself. A bonded pair will be more into each other, while a single rabbit might be more into you. It all depends on...
  17. katt

    It's 6 Months Today.....

    Good Job!!!!!!:highfive: I am working on this right now, and doing a fairly good job. I am down to about 3 cigs a day when I work, and maybe one when I have the day off. my biggest problem is in the car, so I bought a big bag of suckers and am going to try that. I really want to...
  18. katt

    Food allergies

    ugh, I am sorry you went through that! while I don't have any allergies to anything, I work as a nutrition assistant for our local hospital, and trust me, we hear the horror stories all the time. we also cater to a lot of people with allergies and the biggest one is gluten. It is so bad...
  19. katt

    My rabbit thinks his pellets are crack !

    i actually new a breeder once that would taste test his rabbit pellets every time he opened a new bag to check for freshness. . . . he was a very interesting person thought. . . I myself have also tasted a pellet as well, and can also say that they are nasty!
  20. katt

    Silly Rabbits

    So I am kinda sad. winnie is back to not feeling good. I really REALLY think that has everything to do with me not being home and her anxiety and depression from that. today was my first day back from vacation. chaucer is same old spraying chaucer :X i cannot wait to get him into the vet...