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  1. ra7751


    Don't know about Lyme Disease but there is a host of other possibilities from tick bites. And yes they can get ticks....most often on or near the ears. Randy
  2. ra7751

    Chalk has head tilt :(

    I would say that I would attempt to get a more aggressive treatment from your vet. Baytril is rarely effective these days. And Panacur, while not harmful, is from the long held and very incorrect notion that E Cuniculi causes head doesn't. And if it did, Panacur is not very effective...
  3. ra7751

    Bunnies and Fleas

    And you will not see Frontline for rabbits as that product is fatal to rabbits. At one time there was a warning on the package warning against use on rabbits. The best treatment for fleas (and other ectoparasites) on rabbits is Revolution. Some people have used Advantage and there is the old...
  4. ra7751

    Difficulty giving oral med.

    Well...don't get too worried until you talk with the vet. I will say that there is some thought in exotic circles that you can dose Metacam in higher doses and for longer terms than most other animals....but nothing set in stone yet. Sometimes you have to use the "lesser of the evils" approach...
  5. ra7751

    Difficulty giving oral med.

    That is a lot of Metacam. What is her approximate weight? And do you know the concentration of the drug? The concentration of the drug will be either on the bottle or label and for oral should be either .5mg/ml or 1.5mg/ml. Again unless your vet has a reason, Metacam is usually dosed once a day...
  6. ra7751

    Difficulty giving oral med.

    It might be that your vet feels the benefits of Metacam will outweigh the possible effects on the liver and kidneys. If she is uncomfortable, I do not suggest discontinuing the Metacam until you talk to your vet. A drug I have used long term with fewer side effects is Tramadol. It can be used in...
  7. ra7751

    Difficulty giving oral med.

    I have a much more important question....why is she on Metacam to begin with? Metacam is a short term drug and should not usually be administered for more than 4 days at a time. It is very rough on the liver and somewhat to the kidneys. If she is in pain for some reason, there are other drugs...
  8. ra7751

    Fey- extreme sudden weight loss- RIP

    I agree with what you are doing here. It does sound like some type or organ failure....liver or kidney most likely. At this point, it sounds as the only thing you can do is to provide supportive carein any way you can. A blood panel should shed light on what is happening once you can get to a...
  9. ra7751

    Bot Flys

    Cuterebra are quite common almost all over the world....the adults are big fuzzy flies. The larvae are known by various names including bots, warbles, wolves and others. The eggs of the fly can be laid on the animal by the fly or on vegetation that the animal comes in contact with. So an animal...
  10. ra7751

    My little Cookie is being treatment for E.C

    Maybe I am confused...but you say your vet doesn't want to treat for EC but is giving Panacur? That is the old school (and ineffective) treatment for EC. And steroids in a rabbit is not a good idea at all. Since all of this started with a bit of head tilt, that clinically indicates an ear...
  11. ra7751

    Vet emailed me back the questions I asked. What do you think for neutering my rabbit?

    Umm...we use surgical glue on everything including tiny wild cottontails. The thin skin is the reason we use it. I have no problem with sutures....a bit outdated....but never staples. The drugs that vets give for pain is usually Butorphenol (good for only a couple of hours) or Buprenex (good for...
  12. ra7751

    My little Cookie is being treatment for E.C

    When you bathe him....use pure corn starch to help protect the skin. No talc....pure corn starch. Randy
  13. ra7751

    Shaking Head?

    Usually the signs of mites or possibly an ear infection. Randy
  14. ra7751

    Bunny surgery

    Glad your bun is doing better. This is a classic case of what happens when non-breeding does are not spayed. It is basically an overdose of hormones similar to endometriosis. And if not contain it can become malignant. Hopefully it was caught early and will not cause any future problems. Just...
  15. ra7751

    Help! Urinary Problem!!!

    If the vet is scares me to think of the meds you were given. What are they? Your description could be several things...all needing to be seen by an experienced rabbit vet. A urinary tract infection is very likely. Other possibilities are some type of calcifications (stones...
  16. ra7751

    My little Cookie is being treatment for E.C

    I would certainly find a real rabbit vet. Baytril is all but ineffective....totally obsolete. Panacur is the old fashioned (and ineffective) way of treating E Cuniculi. And as I mentioned, the idea that EC causes head tilt is very outdated and we know it's an incorrect assumption. Time is...
  17. ra7751

    Sick Bunny!

    Well...most of us don't care for the term "snuffles". It has come to be a generic term without any real meaning. What you are describing sounds like either an upper respiratory infection or a possible ocular or dental concern involving the "sinus" (a rabbit doesn't technically have a sinus). A...
  18. ra7751


    Just an alternate thought here....the worms may not be from your rabbit but are likely to be the offspring of Phorid Flies. These flies lay eggs in decaying organic matter and a litter box is the perfect breeding ground for them. These flies are common in most areas of the world. Randy
  19. ra7751

    My little Cookie is being treatment for E.C

    Hi Karen....I have been treating EC for years and have done some in-depth research on the topic. As I have noted in past posts, EC took two of my favorite rabbits....including the name sake of our rescue. This was at a time when nobody knew about EC. It is a very misunderstood and misdiagnosed...
  20. ra7751

    Vet emailed me back the questions I asked. What do you think for neutering my rabbit?

    I have a big problem with one That is ancient. The reason that rabbits chew out staples is that they are so irritating. The modern method is using surgical glue. We do not use sutures in neuters. With spays, there are internally dissolving sutures but the final close is by...