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  1. L

    Oh noes....

    Yup, or somebody *always* spoils their make up at the last minute so its like emergency makeover :P
  2. L

    If you had 3 wishes?

    1. To have unlimited money. 2. To have the power to bring ilness, or health, onto anybody I wish. 3. To stop crime.
  3. L

    What goes through your mind when someone says....

    :laugh: Funny, and mostly true...
  4. L

    Oh noes....

    PixieStixxxx wrote: :laugh: I very nearly spat my tea out laughing at "yeah its dreadful, uncomfortable, and boring....good luck though!" :biggrin2: Thanks for the luck, I will probably need it!
  5. L

    Oh noes....

    irishbunny wrote: Same! Me and my friends always spend hours picking out party/clubbing clothes and getting dressed lol.
  6. L

    Snow - Whole country is virtually at a standstill!

    Snow glorious snow, NOT! Can you guess what I did? I had a snowball fight.....with a goat.
  7. L

    Oh noes....

    Thats true! as the dresses will be two-pieces I can wear the top out to a party or something, though the actualy dress wont be able to worn again, unless its for another wedding xD. I wear skirts but thats like partying, not being posh :P The shoes are the worst! I can walk in them fine, but...
  8. L

    Oh noes....

    Becca wrote: You can take my place if ya want lol!!
  9. L

    NOW do you want to see our "new" house?

    Lovely house!! Bo B Bunny wrote: No!! :P I so want flesh tunnels but my mum said no for now, maybe after the wedding though :biggrin2:
  10. L

    What do you find hardest about owning rabbits?

    Weight management. I can NEVER get CJ's food right - hes either on too little food and loses tons of weight in days or too much and he puts on loads of weight. Right now, whilst he is getting better, he is too skinny. I am not sure what to feed him though to put the weight on? :( and I know...
  11. L

    I am a LOLoholic!

    mouse_chalk wrote: In real life I say lawlz, lol, rofl, l-mao! and roflcopter :P or like my mates will go "did you get that text I sent ya? with the joke in" and I will say "yeah, I lol'd" ermm...whaaaa? ! Oh and I only use "lol" if I actually "lol'd". But I do lol quite a lot. PS. I have...
  12. L

    Oh noes....

    I'm going to be a bridesmaid :shock::shock: I dont know whether to laugh or cry :P Originally the persons who wedding it is wanted to have me as a bridesmaid but they decided they were only going to have the girls from the immideate family but then the bride asked me if I would be a...
  13. L

    Noses/ Whiskers

    missyscove wrote: "Are my teef ok doctor?" :laugh: LOve this pic.
  14. L

    Happy Birthday Prisca!!

    Damnit! missed a birthday again! but anyway, happy birthday Prisca! :)
  15. L

    Best $20 spent. Ever.

    irishbunny wrote: What like potatoes, for 49p? Like tomatoes, for 49p? Carrots, for just 49p? :P I hate that advert ! I didnt think you had aldi's over there either!
  16. L

    its sooooooo cold!!!

    kherrmann3 wrote: That pic is actually pretty funny :P Luckily, we havnt had ice and snow that bad that it has frozen the windows or doors shut, but saying that the ice was 3-4" thick at one point in the bird baths :shock:
  17. L

    its sooooooo cold!!!

    It was -9C last night, its about 6C outside I think about now (havnt been out this morning :shock:) For England winters, this is swimming friend said "its a skinny dip in the local pond weather M!!" LMAO. :biggrin2:
  18. L

    So I thought it would be funny...

    "Why dont you come over here and say that?] No I'm serious, why dont you come over here and say that, i cant move..." :biggrin2: Great pics.
  19. L

    So I thought it would be funny...

    "Girl, you iz getting on my LAST nerve"
  20. L

    So I thought it would be funny...

    "Your....Your what? your gonna put these on the forum? dammnit :baghead "