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  1. Devi

    Excessive grooming

    She's been doing it pretty much since they had access to each other. And Nothing's changed in the home and the male is fine health wise no skin or parasite issues just a very submissive but yet she does all the grooming he has only groomed her once in all the months they been together.
  2. Devi

    Excessive grooming

    It's a issue with the female of my bonded pair she is excessively grooming the male to the point he has a bald spot between his shoulders and it's growing. And when I say excessively grooming I mean she's grooming him at least a minimal of 9 times in the course of 2 minutes. Any help on how to...
  3. Devi

    Question on stalled bonding

    For a push forward I was planning to put them in a large enclosure with a 1" gap dividing them to prevent fights. I am not totally sure what is the cause of their aggression near as a can tell one wants to be dominate (cotton) but the other (bun bun) refuses to accept the others dominance but...
  4. Devi

    Question on stalled bonding

    Ok, I been trying to bond 2 neutered males. The oldest is Bun bun at 2yrs and been neutered for 1 year now the youngest is Cotton he is 8-10months old and has been neutered for four months now. It's been up and down but today's session left me baffled Cotton tried request grooming from Bun bun...
  5. Devi

    Oxbow Essentials vs Oxbow Natural Science

    I personally found switching to natural science worth the extra cost. Since switching my buns coats have been better as have their general health and they just seem happier on it. The natural science gives them everything they need nutritionally.
  6. Devi

    Bonding two males.

    Update: bun bun shows a lot of fear toward cotton now. Bun bun will do everything he can to stay and get away from cotton. Any advise to progress their bonding or is it a wash?
  7. Devi

    Bonding two males.

    It's been over 8 weeks since he was neutered Blue eyes. BunBun ignores all grooming demands from Cotton, he will hop over cotton's head or just move away from him period when he demands grooming. I been thinking of putting some banana on Cotton to just jump start some grooming but I'm not sure...
  8. Devi

    Fighting Male and Female Rabbits

    You should get them BOTH fixed for the buck he will/should calm down and for her you'll be reducing her chances for certain Cancers. The fact you let them together unfixed is highly irresponsible unless your a breeder or breeding to better the breed,but if your letting them just breed with no...
  9. Devi

    Fighting Male and Female Rabbits

    All you can do is Keep them separate till after he is neutered and for at least a month after that for his hormones to die down. And if they fought to much you will have a very rough road to bond them, bunnies tend to remember these things.
  10. Devi

    Bonding two males.

    Thank you everyone. Update on the pair. Second session we had a little set back as cotton decided to get rough and it resulted in a small squabble but we quickly separated them before it got to bad. The third session went much better they ignored each other besides the occasional sniff in...
  11. Devi

    Bonding two males.

    Ok, I started bonding two neutered males yesterday. I picked a neutral area for them both. My 2 year old lion head mix BunBun with a 5 month old lion head Cotton Puff. Their first meeting went with a lot of sniffing each other, both circling each other to while sniffing both had their ears...
  12. Devi

    My rabbit will not sto bigtig me! Help!!

    Many bunnies do not like being held, it scares them. But if this wasn't a issue before now it could be that holding him could be causing him some discomfort maybe getting him vet checked to make sure it's nothing medically wrong with him.
  13. Devi

    Wild Baby Bunny- HELP!!

    I'm allowed to disagree with your advise. And this is the last time I will talk about it on the forums cause I do not wish to break the forum rules by fighting on them. Also the laws about rabbits vary depending where you are in Australia also it is completely illegal to own a rabbit in...
  14. Devi

    Wild Baby Bunny- HELP!!

    I fail to see where I am judging. I noted she is tagged to be from North Carolina and gave her advice based on Law in the US. So if you can point out where I was judging would be great.
  15. Devi

    Advice needed

    Personally, I wouldn't worry about it. Just have a vet report on hand that says their healthy and well cared for and let them talk. You can't stop people from gossiping but you can choose to ignore it or let it get to you. But if she gets to bad such as it gets to a point it starts hurting your...
  16. Devi

    Low cost neutering?

    130. isn't bad at all that's 32.50 a month if you save up for 4 months, I have to pay 282. to get it done here.
  17. Devi

    Low cost neutering?

    your local SSPCA
  18. Devi

    New owner, how are my rabbits living conditions?

    The cage is fine as long as they get the 4-5 hours required out of cage time.
  19. Devi

    Wild Baby Bunny- HELP!!

    If the wild rabbit is injured or eyes closed this site is wildlife resources commission for north Carolina
  20. Devi

    Wild Baby Bunny- HELP!!

    NO NO NO NO NO! As watermelons said if the wild rabbit is hurt or the eyes are not open find a wildlife rehab to turn it over to. It's fine and eyes open return it to the outside cause there is a high chance it's already weaned and on it's own. and ABSOLUTELY DO NOT KEEP OR SELL IT...