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  1. RWAF

    Is tap water truly safe for rabbits? What type of water does your bunnies drink?

    Regarding giving the water to rabbits, there has been a study, I believe by rabbit Specialist vet Frances Harcourt-Brown, that showed that using a bowl is far better than a bottle. The rabbits drank 40% more water when it was offered in a bowl. Water is very important to their digestive system...
  2. RWAF

    Is tap water truly safe for rabbits? What type of water does your bunnies drink?

    I can't speak for anybody else's tap water as we all live in different places. I am in the UK and our tapwater is certainly entirely safe in terms of cleanliness. However, I live in a very hard water area and the water, even with the benefit of a filter, is still very full of mineral salts...
  3. RWAF


    Gut slowdown may be as the result of a blockage. You need to see a vet as an emergency, please do not accept a later appointment than in the next half hour! Do not give anything other than pain killers and even then only with your vet's approval as they may mask symptoms. Giving anything at...
  4. RWAF

    weird thing sticking out on bunnies

    It's best to get a rabbit friendly vet see the area on your rabbit's back, so that you will know for certain exactly what it is, and what is the best way to treat it.
  5. RWAF

    2019 Cages - add your photo!

    There are a lot also on our RWAF Pinterest boards. along with advice about safe outdoor housing on our website
  6. RWAF

    Orange/red colur urine of my rabbit is ok ?

    Finally this one
  7. RWAF

    Orange/red colur urine of my rabbit is ok ?

    This is the edge of a blade of grass under the microscope where the silica coating with its spikes is very clear. You can see this is grass as it's far greener than the hay in previous images, but the silica is not lost when grass is made into hay
  8. RWAF

    Orange/red colur urine of my rabbit is ok ?

    There is a clear image in the middle of this photo of the edge of some hay under the microscope where the spikes are clear
  9. RWAF

    Orange/red colur urine of my rabbit is ok ?

    Hay is essential for dental and digestive health. This needs to be grass hay, NOT alfalfa hay which is too rich and as a legume, not a grass, it does not require the same chewing action. Advice here There is no vegetable that can provide the...
  10. RWAF


    For veggies only give green leafy veg, not root veg, no fruit. We have a list of recommended veg & herbs here
  11. RWAF

    Help with babies! ASAP

    Our list of rabbit friendly vets is here These are all assessed individually by our Specialist Veterinary Adviser Dr Richard Saunders BSc (Hons), BVSc, FRSB, CBiol, DZooMed (Mammalian), DipECZM (ZHM)...
  12. RWAF

    How many people feel rabbits are high maintenance?

    Rabbits absolutely ARE high maintenance when looked after properly. Sadly a lot of people buy them on impulse without researching fully beforehand, and that leaves them open for some nasty and very expensive shocks. Some people do cut corners, they spend as little as they possibly can, they...
  13. RWAF

    Scent glands - do they NEED to be cleaned?

    Healthy rabbits should be able to keep their own glands clean. However, any rabbit with mobility problems - back problems, arthritic hocks, etc, may find it harder to do this and then the owner needs to help. Please DO NOT trance your rabbit to carry this out. It is putting rabbits into a...
  14. RWAF

    Do I have to neuter my bun?

    I spoke to my own vet today when I took my (neutered male) in for treatment and she was telling me about a case this week where an unspayed female died under anaesthetic. There was no outward sign of problems other than the condition she had been admitted for, but with the owner's permission...
  15. RWAF

    My rabbits suddenly died one after another

    I'm so sorry that you have had such distressing losses. Heartbreaking Have you heard of RVHD2? It's a viral disease that recently mutated into a highly dangerous strain that is spread frighteningly easily. It can be passed on by direct contact between rabbits of course but it is also...
  16. RWAF


    Mine are all microchipped. It's something I have always had done for all my rabbits, and I ask the vet to do it while carrying out a spay or other procedure. I know rabbits don't generally make a visible reaction to having a chip implanted but they are prey species and will always hide pain...
  17. RWAF

    Thymoma cancer

    is your vet certain it's cancer? Have antibiotics been tried in case it's an abscess? There is a useful article about thymoma in rabbits in a past issue of Rabbiting On magazine. It's the winter 2016 issue listed here...
  18. RWAF


    Sorry to mention Facebook here but there is a group attempting to organise import of vaccine into North America if that's any help. You can find them here
  19. RWAF

    How often do you clean your rabbit's cage and litter?

    My rabbits don't have a cage, they have free range with a variety of places they can hide if they want to. They have a litter tray and the litter I use is wood based cat litter pellets. Great litter, I have used it (various brands) for over 20 years and while I have tried other litters, none...
  20. RWAF

    Help, my Mother in-law is coming and my bunny cage smells the house......

    Are your rabbits entire? If so you need to have them neutered firstly to stop the smell but also, especially in the case of your female, to prevent cancers forming. Unspayed females over the age of 4 have cancer of the uterus in around 80% of cases according to studies. The sure way to...