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  1. D

    Space Requirements for Two Rabbits?

    I strongly recommend getting a bonded (already neutered and vaccinated) pair from a rescue centre, not babies. Babies are more fragile, much harder to litter train, you don't know whether they will bond (and bonding can be very difficult and time consuming), you will very likely have to separate...
  2. D

    Sick rabbit with other rabbit?

    I would not have separated them. As they were bonded, the mate is already infected and should be treated with a 28 day course of Panacur too. In the UK we normally do a blood test (which can distinguish between chronic and active infection) for EC. Hope Diesel gets better soon.
  3. D

    Unexpected Male Rabbit With Female

    I would have both of them neutered at the same time ASAP. That way you don't have to separate them. In the UK, rabbit vets will spay from 16 weeks.
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    Grape vine leaves and stems are OK. But as with all fresh food introduce in small quantities.
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    Chewing plastic litter boxes

    You can get stainless steel litter trays. Pricey though...
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    New habit of moving the litterbox

    You could put a heavy tile in the litter box under the litter.
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    New to Forum

    Don't worry about the drinking. She will drink when she's thirsty, probably getting enough water from the greens.
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    Rabbit not eating or urinating

    How is your bunny? You're in the UK, right? Please take him to a good rabbit vet right away. Find one here: Rabbit Friendly Vet List
  9. D

    Sore hocks possibly bleeding?

    That looks like a stain, not related to the sore hocks. If the bald spots are not looking red/inflamed, then the best thing is indeed adjusting the flooring. No need for any treatment at that stage. Most carpet is too abrasive. Layers of soft towels and fleece blankets and duvets or soft...
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    Rabbit bonding advice

    I would keep them completely separated until 8 weeks after her spay. Not worth risking a fight.
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    Buck hurting doe

    I don't understand. You could end up with a dozen rabbits who need lots of space, they all need neutering and vaccinating. And if she is pregnant and you don't get her spayed now she could get pregnant again immediately after giving birth if the male is still with her. Please do the responsible...
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    Buck hurting doe

    Please have them neutered ASAP. Why create more babies when rescue centres are full of rabbits looking for good homes?
  13. D

    Help with housemates

    Sorry for your loss. It is not a good idea to keep rabbits and guinea pigs together: Rabbits and Guinea Pigs – bordatella
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    My other Bunny's right ear infected?

    Unfortunately you can't see inner or middle ear infection without x-ray or CT scan. Hope your bunny is OK.
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    rabbit wont eat new bag of hay.

    It could be a coincidence that it's a new bag of hay. Picking up hay and dropping it can indicate dental problems.
  16. D

    Can rabbits get overweight from too much hay?

    No, they don't need to eat more pellets during the winter. If you're worried about his weight, cut down the pellets to 1-2 tbsp a day if he is a good hay eater. It's not the hay that is making him fat, it's the pellets.
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    All wormer

    Pin worms which are common are usually found in droppings, they are quite obvious. If you can't see worms and there are no signs your rabbit is ill, do not worm them. In fact, only worm on vet's advice.
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    All wormer

    Routine worming is not recommended. Only worm if there are worms.
  19. D

    Taming a six week old bunny?

    Not a good idea at all. They are not dogs. Leave her at home in a large area with lots of enrichment. There is no need for her to go out and most bunnies get terribly stressed when taken out of their familiar environment, they are not like dogs at all. Besides, harnesses are not recommended...
  20. D

    What medications did my rabbit get?

    Ametin is metoclopramide. Lidocaine is used for serious pain by rabbit vets here.