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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. J

    New rabbit owner

    Thanks, Laura and BB for the replies. So, I can see the ticks? (you can see my level of ignorance).Scratching the ears.... hmm.... no, not just the ears. Theyseem to scratch their backs too. And as best as I candescribe their body language before they jump and run is as if theywere pricked by a...
  2. J


    Hello, I am a new rabbit owner .... 5 of them. They are dwarfs....that's all I know. We had two regular sized ones before a fewyears ago but they died after they were left outside in the middle ofTexassummer. This time around, we are ensuring that we don't put out the rabbits outunless we...
  3. J

    New rabbit owner

    Hello, all; I am new to this site as you can see. My kids got 5 rabitslast week... one for each kid. :) Last night, after I camehome from work, I noticed that some of the rabbits were scratchingthemselves and then would jump and run from one end of the cage toanother. They would scratch...