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  1. F

    Hi from frostygirl

    I hoping to work in the fish trade one daylooking after people's tropical tanks and fish and ponds but i have togo back to collage first .:D
  2. F

    Hi from frostygirl

    here is a photo of toffee
  3. F

    Hi from frostygirl

    I will put some cute pictures of toffee and lolaon the site soon . they have been together now for two days and they are sleeping togetherand eating togther so i think they are going to be the best of friends.:hug:
  4. F

    Hi from frostygirl

    How many tanks and what have you got! tank one I've got 1 shovel-nose catfish, 3 very mad sliver sharks , 2 plecs, 1 naked catfish and one orange finned blue loach. tank two I've got a black shark. tank three I've got 5 rashbora's , 1 glasscatfish, 1 clownloach , 5koolie loaches 1 gourami...
  5. F

    Hi from frostygirl

    I thought I had a big family! But I forgot to tell you about my tropical fish 52 of them in 5 tanksand 2 goldfish but I don't think they count because it is hard to tellwhat they are! apart from one called Tigger she is a shovel-nosecatfish and is 30 cm long!:bunnydance:
  6. F

    Hi from frostygirl

    There is 3 girls in this family and two female rabbits and one female hamster . so my husband and sonstill think they like to rule the roost!:elephant:
  7. F

    Hi from frostygirl

    peapoo_bunny wrote: Thanks for your help. I just read this to my husband and he said i told you so !!!!! and now he is walking around saying that he's so clever! Men think they know everything!:D
  8. F

    Hi from frostygirl

    Hello and nice to meet you since I last postedon this site I've got a new friend for toffee. she is called lola andis about three months old but I don't what breed she is. Toffee and lola are in the same cage and they are getting a long wellno fighting although they are both girls toffee is...
  9. F

    Hi from frostygirl

    Hi to everybody on the site and a very nice and friendy site it is too! I have a five month old mini lop eared rabbit called toffee.:bunnydance:
  10. F


    I love rock music, Red hot chilli peppers are the best.:great: