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  1. S

    HELP found young wild rabbit

    I think i'm going to let it go. I looked at it again and I don't see any marks at all.
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    HELP found young wild rabbit

    my sister found a young wild rabbit in ourgarage and our cat had gotten ahold of it. It has no visablescratches or anything, but it was in the cats mouth so i'mnotcompletely sure. should we let it go or keep it for a while to makesure it's better? thank you! ~*Caitlin*~
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    What Other Animals Do You Own Besides Rabbits?

    5 Horses, 1 Guinea Pig, 1 Dog, and 3 Cats. SOON I will be getting a new bunny!!! I'm so excited!!! ~*Caitlin*~
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    yay books! I'm kind of ageek,sorry:)lol, well, some of my favorites areEragon (their making a movie of it sometime soon), Eldest, The Da VinciCode, The Da Vinci Legacy, Elvis Jesus and Coca Cola is weird but good,Harry Potters ok, East of Eden is my altime favorite, Pride &Prejudice, Please...
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    Looking for a new bunny:)

    Could I get some information on the rabbit?Also, I'm only 15 so I wouldn't be able to get to Il. though myself.Thanks so much you guys! ~*Caitlin*~
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    Country mostly, a bitrock, and a bit of just about everything else. I'm not that picky:) ~*Caitlin*~
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    Looking for a new bunny:)

    omg, i'm sosorry I never posted aresponse. It logged me off right after I posted this topicand I haven't been able to get back on til now. Thanks guys, I have tried petfinder before, but I'll try it again :)and in one of the local shelters my sister tell me there are quite afew(since it's...
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    Getting to know your peers

    Name: Caitlin Age: 15 Location: Iowa Description of you: Hmmm...Brown Hair, blue eyes, 5'9" (around there), need I say more??? lol. How many animals: 10 right now, but hopefully soon I'll be adopting a bunny! yay me! Age: Youngest is about 5-6 years, and the oldest is about 20. Hobbies:4H...
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    Looking for a new bunny:)

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew if there wasa rabbit somewhere in Iowa for adoption (hopefully younger than 2 yearsold)? I've been looking at every adoption website I can findand I can't find any for adoption close to here.Ireally want to adopt my next bun because there are so many outthere...
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    Christmas Rainbow Bridge

    I know you mentioned him but I miss myScooby--sadly for everyone in my family he passed on lastJune. It was weird not to have him around this Christmas...Imiss him so much:tears2: Merry Christmas Scooby & Scrappy(he died in August 2002). I love and miss you guys.
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    MERRY CRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!

    Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year Jessisdad! Hope you and your family have Happy Holidays! ~*~Caitlin~*~
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    Happy Holidays Everyone!!! Hope you and your bunnies have a wonderful Christmas and New Years!!! ~*~Caitlin~*~
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    O/T Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire

    My mom, sister, and I are going to see ittomorrow~I can't wait!!! Lol, i'm so excited! I love HarryPotter~~the books were awesome:D:bunnydance::elephant: ~*~Caitlin~*~ Oh, and cirrustwi---i think my sister beat Shawn, she's had it marked on the calandar since the first preview! lol:D
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    O/T Need Advice

    Wow--I don't think I could ever tolerate someonelike that. Taking out his anger, caused by his own disgustinghabits, on innocent rabbits is just cruel...*grrrrr* If I were you Iwould move every single item of yours into your room and put a lock onthe door(make sure your theonlyone that hasakey)...
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    Great News!!

    OMG THOSE EARS ARE SO ADORABLE!!! i love 'em!!! I'm so happy for you!!! ~*~Caitlin~*~
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    Back to school grrr

    I started August 24th! Ok, it'sbeenaround ninety degrees out here and some schools (with airconditioning) got out early while we had to stay reg. schedule and someclasses didn't even have fans!its been terrible... ~*~Caitlin~*~
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    Awesome! (Crazinesscan bea good thing, lol) I'm glad you had fun! ~Caitlin~
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    Awesome! was it a county or state fair? I'm so happy for you! Congratulations on your buns! ~Caitlin~
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    home sweet home

    OMG JUSTIN!!! i'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLETO GET ON TIL 1 am!!! OMG I LOVE & MISSED YOU TOO! I'm so gladyour back! Check your PM's--ones from me! lol, you are my bfon here! ~Luv, Caitlin~
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    im going to camp

    Oh thank youJustin! I'mgonna miss you and hope you have the time of your life there atcamp! I hope it all goes perfectly for Midnight:pray: and I'mhappy you get to keep the lil bunny! Can't wait for yourreturn! ttyl! :4hearts:Caitlin:4hearts: