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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Watermelons

    Convince Parents to let me get another rabbit?

    Is teddy neutered? What is your plan if you have payed to spay/neuter both rabbits and they dont get along. Do you have a job to continue to pay to care for both rabbits? What about unexpected medical expenses. Rabbits can be perfectly happy on their own. Its also your parents house and their...
  2. Watermelons

    Male rabbit one testicle shrunk

    Rabbits have the ability to retract their testicles back up into theor abdomen. He may have just been sucking one back in at the time of exam. Have you checked them again since?
  3. Watermelons

    What breed do you think my rabbit is

    Just a very cute mix.
  4. Watermelons

    Just asking about the forum…

    Old posts do not get deleted and we are trying not to change usenames anymore as is messes with the whole reason we dont delete posts which is using old topics as a searchable resource.
  5. Watermelons

    Recommended vitamin and mineral supplement?

    Does your rabbit eat pellets? They dont typically need vitamin supplements if they get the appropriate diet. Dental issues are more genetic then diet related unelss your rabbit wont eat long strand hay.
  6. Watermelons

    ID my rabbit’s breed!!

    An adorable mix
  7. Watermelons

    Amazon (canada) bunny faves?

    I suggest looking at specialty places like I know Nicole has TONS of bunny stuff and lots of oxbow products for small critters.
  8. Watermelons

    Overgrown Teeth, Seems infected, Help!!!

    How do you jump from infection to euthanize? Please take your rabbit to a rabbit savvy vet. He needs to be seen and have this examined and treated properly.
  9. Watermelons

    How to tell if rabbit is cold

    Please dont use heating pads or anything that you cannot physically control the temperature on. For OP for yourself you are safer to get an oil filled radiant heater that has a proper thermostat you can set to exact temperature. These are one of the safest type of heaters. Obviously keep the...
  10. Watermelons

    Damp paper towels for cleaning poopy butt?

    Yes you can use tamp paper towel or a damp cloth but how old is this baby/junior and why are they unable to clean it themselves? The fact that you need to clean the bum is more concernining. I wouldnt put a damp bun in a cold room either. Ensure she is dry before going back.
  11. Watermelons

    Nutrition after Spay

    Was she eating the same haybefore the spay? Why are you giving her oats? Did the vet check her teeth as part of her pre-surgical exam? Did they use a breathing tube for surgery?
  12. Watermelons

    Brother/Sister Pair Separate to Prevent Breeding

    Definitely possible to do the deed between 2 and 3 months of age. The male is also likely sucking his testes up into his abdomen. They are likely there and have "dropped" hes just hiding them. Your best bet is to find a vet willing to spay/neuter them around 3 months old.
  13. Watermelons

    Please Help Identify Chico, Midnight & Mr. Clean !

    They all look like generic mixes.
  14. Watermelons

    Revolution not really working on bunny

    Rabbits need to be dosed at 18mg/kg. So your rabbit at 3kg would need 54mg per dose. That revolution you used is only 15mg per tube. So you have way under dosed. Continual under dosing can lead to drug resistance. This is why its best to check dosages before giving your animals a medication...
  15. Watermelons

    Revolution not really working on bunny

    What dosage are you using and what does your rabbit weigh?
  16. Watermelons

    HELP!!! Bonded male rabbits suddenly fight!!!

    Sophia you have had 2 fantastic members give you this advice already. Why are you not following it? They have answered that already. Please re read all the posts made by Catlyn and Jenny.
  17. Watermelons

    Farewell BunBun

    Oh Sam, so sorry to hear. He was such a good boy to put up with Lady and her attitude. He had a very good life with you guys.