Recent content by Wishyouwerehere

Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Wishyouwerehere

    A bruise after an injection?

    I would call and ask the vet just in case.
  2. Wishyouwerehere


    Hi, so my first piece of advice I'd say is adopt. I have 2 rabbits, my girl is 8 yrs old and my male rescue will be 5 this year. It's not easy at all, a lot of training (litterbox training) and bunny proofing had to happen before I could free roam. They needed to be spayed and neutered because...
  3. Wishyouwerehere

    Pellet problem!

    Hi, I have 2 bunnies, an 8 yr old and a rescue about 4 1/2 years old. Per my veterinarian at 1 yr old you can definitely stop feeding her unlimited pellets. I feed mine as follows and everytime I go to the vet they tell me their weight is very consistent and gratefully they are in good health...
  4. Wishyouwerehere

    Stubborn Rabbits Peeing on Carpet

    Hi, I'm curious? How are your buns doing now? I have a rescue that keeps doing the exact same thing. He's very sweet and super affectionate but has a bad litterbox habit. I've had him for 2 years and he's neutered and bonded with my 6 year old girl. The problem is there is no way around me not...