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  1. Orrin

    Hay feeder

    I've tried a variety of feeders home-built out of wood and dowels. I've left some of them in place; but, like Blue Eyes I've learned the rabbits prefer their hay on the floor. If you stop to think about it, rabbits graze down low on the ground. Eating off the floor is the closest one can come...
  2. Orrin

    New to bunnies

    I also suggest that you experiment with the hay. We have a couple of picky buns that prefer Oxbow orchard grass. The other four like timothy. When we were new to rabbits we made mistakes, mainly from bad advice from people who didn't know what they were talking about. My suggestion is to...
  3. Orrin

    Cilantro as an appetite enhancer?

    All of our six rabbits love cilantro. Some might eat their Italian parsley, first; but, they eventually eat every last particle of cilantro.
  4. Orrin

    My rabbits are a state

    I might add that we coax our rabbits out and about with daily rituals that take them from one room to another. For instance, at breakfast time we call them and when they come they are rewarded with bits of banana. They love it! Just before bedtime I break a few Meadow Loops into pieces and...
  5. Orrin

    My rabbits are a state

    One of our six rabbits would have one episode of poopy-butt after the other. We switched to timothy-based pellets (instead of alfalfa-based) and that eliminated the problem, immediately. Shop around for timothy-based pellets. Our local pet store supplies them; but, we found a reliable and...
  6. Orrin

    Clump of poop

    JBun's advice is spot-on. Please allow me to add my experience with this condition. Of our six rabbits, only one has a tendency to develop poop "dangles" on her butt. We reduced how often it happens by switching to timothy-based pellets; and, avoiding any carbohydrates, such as uncooked...
  7. Orrin

    how long does it take for bun to recover from stasis?

    I believe this would be a difficult question to answer because each case can be different have have different causes. One of our buns would go into stress-related stasis and she could snap out of it in a day. On the other hand, our Flemish Giant chewed on a cardboard carton and didn't know...
  8. Orrin

    Problem coat matting and litter...

    One of our six rabbits has a tendency to develop poopy "dangles" on its butt. By switching from alfalfa-based pellets to timothy-based the problem isn't quite as bad. I also use a sharp barber scissors to trim the bum hair as much as I can. I check this rabbit's bottom as often as I can and...
  9. Orrin

    Help with cleaning a dirty bottom

    We have two rabbits that tended to get dirty bums. I suspected soft cecotropes and read everything I could about them. The best advice for us was to switch from alfalfa-based pellets to timothy pellets. That did the trick. Those two still tend to get a bit dirty; so, every time I brush...
  10. Orrin

    Do Bunnies Think?

    Thank you for chiming in with your charming anecdotes. I feel that the cottontails in our yard are a priceless gift. I never fail to be thrilled to see them peacefully grazing on our lawn; and, they are out there almost every morning and evening. They seem to feel especially secure when our...
  11. Orrin

    Do Bunnies Think?

    I've observed different levels of intelligence in our rabbits. By far the smartest was a newborn cottontail that was brought to us to save. (Dog dragged it from goodness knows where to a neighbor's door.) The picture, below, tells me that cottontails can think, plan and even be artistic...
  12. Orrin

    feeding rolled oats

    We give a pinch of rolled oats as a treat to a couple of our rabbits; but, not to another pair. The two that cannot get them will develop soft cecotropes and experience poopy butt when they get rolled oats. It's a shame they cannot have them because all our buns are wild about them. If you...
  13. Orrin

    Are These Treats Safe?

    I give our rabbits Science Selective Meadow Loops, purchased from Pet Mountain, on line. The Pet Mountain price is half, or less, than what you'll find in local pet stores. I also forage for dandelions, willow leaves, radish greens and more from the garden. As JBun mentioned, dried willow...
  14. Orrin

    Help Me With My Future Buns!

    If you are thinking of getting rabbits and want to keep them outside in an enclosure, my question would be "If that is the case, why do you want a rabbit?" If you are inside and they are outside, how do you expect to interact with them? If you get busy it will be altogether too easy to...
  15. Orrin

    I think Freya is obese

    One of our rabbits was having a problem because we were feeding alfalfa-based pellets. So, we found a source of timothy-based and gradually switched over to them. (In our experience we've learned that rabbits do not like changes of any kind.) At first, the problem girl did not like the...