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  1. farmgirlinthecity

    Hi I’m Heather

    No not where I live but thanks for the info. I am also a rescue of birds mainly but they are fine here. They would get eaten by a wild coyote, hawk, ran over by a car, hunted by humans, or something like that so they are safe here in my care. They are not very afraid of humans at all so they...
  2. farmgirlinthecity

    Hi I’m Heather

    I’m a new member I live in Arizona and I just recently have two baby Desert Cottontails. They are about 5 weeks old. I’ve named them Hazel and Fiver.
  3. farmgirlinthecity

    Heather with Baby Hazel And Fiver

    I have 2 baby Desert Cottontails Hazel and Fiver They are about 5 weeks old and I have had them for about two weeks almost.