Recent content by AshAndMaple

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  1. AshAndMaple

    Ran into furniture

    So 10mins ago Bluebell was zooming around my bedroom at top speed, when I suddenly heard a loud bang. I looked round and she was stood with her head against my nightstand, looking a bit shell-shocked. I picked her up (much to her dismay) and she looks fine and seems to be doing okay, but she...
  2. AshAndMaple


    Thank you, if it is just a buildup of sebum then that's great news. Because of where it is I think I'm going to contact my vet tomorrow anyway and get an appointment for sometime next week so they can check over her and make sure it's not something that needs treatment.
  3. AshAndMaple


    Hi, yes it does look like those. The second one does link to Treponematosis though, which I thought is the rabbit form of syphilis... I thought maybe Ash was a carrier of it and passed it to Bluebell. Ash's mother was surrendered to a rescue while pregnant with him and his siblings, so it's...
  4. AshAndMaple


    When I've applied pressure to the area, it looks like there's actually two spots It's been a while since I've applied a preventative flea/mite/fly treatment so I'll go ahead and do that anyway.
  5. AshAndMaple


    Hi - so today I found a white spot on Bluebell's vagina. I can't find any good photos online of what rabbit syphilis pimples looked like, but I wondered whether than could be the cause? She's been with Ash for the past fortnight, and I wondered if maybe the weird spot on his nose (it never went...
  6. AshAndMaple

    Bonding - small wounds

    Thank you, I have two shirts which are slightly different sizes, so I'm washing and changing them daily as Ash keeps weeing on her 🤦‍♀️ (stinky boy! 😂) So far it's proved really helpful in keeping him off her, and it doesn't seem to bother her much at all. I've expanded their space in the...
  7. AshAndMaple

    Bonding - small wounds

    They are gorgeous together 🥰
  8. AshAndMaple

    Bonding - small wounds

    (for tax purposes 🐰❤️🐰)
  9. AshAndMaple

    Bonding - small wounds

    I've put Blues in a medical shirt - so we'll see how that goes 🤞 so far Ash keeps trying to dig at it, which isn't great but she jumps away from him and it won't be going through the material. I think it's safe to say she's not thrilled with me at the moment though!
  10. AshAndMaple

    Bonding - small wounds

    Great - thank you for all the information! Yes, I definitely like the idea of giving her somewhere with a low ceiling where he can't mount her. I might try the shirt - I'll do my best to clean her off first mind. She pure white so it's very obvious where the urine is! 🫣 Okay, so they're in my...
  11. AshAndMaple

    Bonding - small wounds

    Yeah - I'm pretty certain the bite marks on her back are from him getting grip of her because I've been watching them - he's a bit smaller than her so they're about as far up as he can reach! I have spotted him nipping her sometimes other than that to try and tell her who's boss. Unfortunately...
  12. AshAndMaple

    Bonding - small wounds

    Thank you for your reply. I keep applying a little Flamazine to the area on her back as I have it on hand - I also have leucillin which I have considered using, but I was told by a vet once that some rabbits get irritated by it so I thought maybe Flamazine was a better option... unfortunately...
  13. AshAndMaple

    Bonding - small wounds

    Thank you - if he ever does have to go under anaesthetic I'll definitely be asking them to neuter him at the same time! I just won't be risking his life unless I have to. They do seem to be getting on really well - much better than I expected seeing as he's intact. It's just a shame he's...
  14. AshAndMaple

    Bonding - small wounds

    He has been - he stopped breathing for over 6 minutes. I've seen multiple vets and they've all made the recommendation that I don't try to get him neutered again. They have told me to try and bond him as he is and see how it goes.