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Blue eyes
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    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to JBun's post in the thread Identifying rabbit in yard with Like Like.
      Originally I also was going to say that it's probably a feral or stray domestic rabbit and not a wild rabbit, as wild cottontails are...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to Preitler's post in the thread Identifying rabbit in yard with Like Like.
      Afaik, although wild white rabbits can be found in the arctic and on mountains, I guess what he has there are feral or escaped domestic...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to cbun's post in the thread Picking up my rabbit questions with Like Like.
      I'm finally getting a chance to check these resources out and they're great! I'll have to tell my husband about the bunny burrito method...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes replied to the thread Picking up my rabbit questions.
      If she normally lives upstairs and you are wanting to have her roam about downstairs, I'd agree that an enclosed carrier is the safest...
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    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to JBun's post in the thread Picking up my rabbit questions with Like Like.
      Easiest would be to just train your rabbit to go in a carrier while on the floor. Requires no picking up and stressing bun that way...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes replied to the thread Hello everyone.
      Welcome to the forum! At such a young age the only "treats" should be his regular, plain pellets fed to him by hand. The pellets will...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to JBun's post in the thread Not sure what the issue is. with Like Like.
      How much of each of the pellet types does he eat each day, and how much hay in relation to his body size (pile the size of his body...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to Gravellilac's post in the thread Not pooing? with Like Like.
      He seems fine now using his litter box perfectly, I was thinking that about not getting antibiotics, maybe she wasn’t sure. She did tell...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to JBun's post in the thread Not pooing? with Like Like.
      Not all rabbits will territorial mark and drop poop pellets every few minutes all day long. Some will actually restrain themselves and...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to JBun's post in the thread health concern please help with Like Like.
      No, a rabbit in a smaller space may take smaller hops, but will still use their hind end normally. And they won't be grinding their...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to JBun's post in the thread health concern please help with Like Like.
      The bump might be contracted muscles, from her hunching from pain and holding her hind end in to protect whatever is hurting. It could...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to Preitler's post in the thread What do I do!?!? with Like Like.
      What I would do: First, wash his bum. That doesn't look that bad, I think you'll get away with using a wet washcloth since it's a...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to Nancy McClelland's post in the thread 2 new boys coming soon with Like Like.
      Had Nibbler neutered a week ago--he's a little over 165 pounds. Hermes goes in tomorrow for neutering. He's just an inch taller and...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to JBun's post in the thread Is there space for 2 rabbits? with Like Like.
      Initially yes, you do need extra space for two separate pens, which it looks like you have plenty of room to add another enclosure...
    • Blue eyes
      Blue eyes reacted to JBun's post in the thread Not sure what the issue is. with Like Like.
      Likely it's not that he can't clean himself off properly that's an issue, but that his poop is mushy and so sticking to his fur. Most...
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