June 23rd was and always will be a sad day for us. Our very first rescued Rabbit, Commander Bun-Bun was very sick, and passed away despite all of our efforts. We had her for a very wonderful six plus years, so we guess she wasn't a youngster, but it was still hard. She's had a problem with GI Stasis in the past a couple of times, but this time she just didn't recover no matter what we and our wonderful Vet staff tried to do. We will always remember her as a 5 pund bundle of alpha Rabbit. Whenever you went into "her" room, she would run over to you and grunt just to let you know she was the boss. When she was out and about, she lay right at our feet if we were sitting in a chair watching television or using the computer. She would race around the house like a fur covered missile jumping and kicking and make banked turns off of the furniture. Her favorite spot was in front of the sliding door were she could see everything in the backyard and the family room. She will always be rememberd by us as the rabbit that started up our rescue efforts and will be greatly missed--but we will always cherish the many memories we have of our "Commander". Larry & Nancy