Active Member
I have been searching and searching the internet for tunnels and hides for my rabbits. I swear they are all way too small? Is it just me? What tunnels and hides do you use because I really need some more!!
You can try going to supermarkets and asking if they have any boxes from their delivery, that’s what we did when we moved houseThis sounds stupid, but I literally don't have any cardboard boxes- they have all been destroyed! I have that green tunnel too!
dear billybun,--you might find some tunnels/hides at a farm supply/ grainery type stores,-we have them here in the u.s.,and--beware of the toys,as they might be made of the wrong woods-ie cedar{bad}--let this be your own creation,-beware of myxi-outside,--sincerely james waller for joseph r cottontail/bdenium ripJBun, the manor pet housing is quite expensive but I might invest because it looks really nice! Thank you!
Evelyn Gomez, in the UK, IKEA doesn't sell pet stuff yet!! So annoying!
dear billythe bun,-it could just be oversight by a manufacture-,trust but verify..-its like choking hazards for children-beware...the myxi vaccines maybe necessary every 6 months during peak seasons,check with your dvm,--sincerely james wallerjamesewaller- I always check what the toys are made of. Its so silly that you would make rabbit toys out of things that are bad for the animals! I will check farm/grainery stores. We have our bunnies vaccinated against myxi.