Bye to our Sweet Lilly

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Jul 1, 2007
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Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Well, our sweet little (9 pounds) Lilly passed away on the 5th. She was very close to 10, but it "still ain't easy". She quit eating about 5 days prior. The Vet said there were no blockages, but we started her on anti-biotics just in case. She did take food and water from the syringe, very willingly til that Monday morning. I gave her the meds and about 2 minutes later she rolled onto her side and just stopped breathing. I thought she was just relaxed as she liked to lay around with her feet out behind or to the side, but, when I went to check out my big girl, she had passed. We are all going to miss you and the "Bunny 500" you always put on for us. Good Bye my little girl and say hi to Cmdr Bun-Bun, Mr. B, Mel, and Nik-Nik--we miss all of you so much.:bunnyangel2::bunnyangel2:
I am so sorry about Lilly. She lived to a good age, but sometimes that makes it harder on us :(. Sounds like she passed peacefully though, and she was with those that loved her.

God Bless, little Lilly.

thanks--it's not any easier to lose one of our fur babies whether or not they've been with us long or short. We miss each bunnies antics, personality and every thing that makes each of our buns' unique.
I'm so sorry you lost Lilly. She had a wonderful life with you, tons of love and bunny 500s. Run and binky free, Lilly. :rainbow:
Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. :( I'll bet she had a great life with you, she must have been happy.

Binky free Lilly. :rainbow:
thank you all for the note of sympathy, it helps a lot. Still can't look here without getting teary, though. Will post a couple of pictures in the next couple of days so everyone can see what a sweetheart she was. Still have 13 alive and mostly well so we try to focus on that. Larry
Pictures of Lilly



Lilly is the light colored rabbit in the front--she is shown here with her bond-partner Molly--they started fighting, for REAL about 4 months ago, so we had to separate them.
Lilly was a very beautiful girl. Thank you for sharing pics of her with us. I know she will be hard to live without.
Lilly looks lovely. I'm sorry you lost her :tears2:

She must have been so happy with you to be doing all those bunny 500'sor laying out like she owned the floor :rabbithop

RIP Lilly :rose:

Love from
Jo xx
thanks. She not only owned the floor, the chairs and the couches were hers too. If you got up for anything, you had to find a different place to sit. The funniest thing she did was to lay on your back or stomach if you were on the floor. Don't plan on moving too soon, either.
This is one of those anniversaries that I really abhor. Tomorrow will be a year since our Lilly passed to the bridge. Doesn't hardly seem possible that you've been gone from us that long my little one. I guess it was just your time to leave as we know you sure weren't a youngster anymore. Just like Ted, we don't know how old you really were. We still miss you and think of you every day and soon, we will have a bunny that looks a lot like you and we named her Lilli. Rest in peace my little one and binky free.

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