"You have rabbits? But your house doesn't smell!"

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Retired Moderator
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
I guess I could just chalk this up to stupidpeople--again. My sis was at my house yesterday with thewoman she works for. As the woman walked in the house all ourcats came running to see if she had treats. (you'd think we never feedthem!;)) So she asked how many we had...5. Then mysis added that I also had 5 rabbits in the back of the house.

The woman looked at me and looked so surprised. She was stunned the house didn't stink. :?

Sometimes I just want to scream! Tony and I were at a partyon the weekend and we were told our house must be digusting with 5rabbits since they are dirty disgusting creatures. Then theyhad a brain storm and decided that we were probably just raising themto eat them...:( They laughed and asked to come over fordinner some night since they had never had rabbit...I told the guysure...if I can come over when you cook up your kid! :) I'venever eaten baby! :shock: Probably not the best wayto approach it...but on the up side he avoided me for the rest of thenight!:D
Good for you! Some people are justignorant. I've had peeps ask me if my house smells too, andof course I tell them no. Thank God for peeps like us,rabbits are precious! :inlove:
Good for you! That kind of ignorance upsets me, too.

I always ask people to tell me if they can smell anything. Ionly smell them if I don't clean the litter boxes on time.

People always tell me my house smells nice, so I guess I'm doing a goodjob.

<<<They laughed and askedto come over for dinner some night since they had never had rabbit...Itold the guy sure...if I can come over when you cook up your kid!:) I've never eaten baby! :shock:>>>>

Sorry, but I had to laugh at this - I think that's a pretty good reply :D

:)I kept a totally straight face andhe wasn't someone we know well. I think he was a littleweirded out!;)

I don't know if I am becoming overly sensitive or not but it reallyirritates me. Tonys dad was giving us an in depth descriptionof how they used to kill rabbits when they bought abunch forfood. I thought Tony was going to smack him. Tonysparents are "old world" Italian, but the part that irritates is thatthey can tell it is upsetting to us but they keep going. Hisfather just laughs saying "What???They're only rabbits.":mad:

Tony actually initiated a rule that if his parents come over we put thebunns away, and they are not allowed near them. Not that theywould intentionally hurt them, but he is worried that his dad wouldscare the crap out of the kids just being a bonehead.<shaking head> It just isn't right. Ican understand bunns for food. But I don't think it issomething funny. :?
I've had the same reaction recently.My new roommates mom walked in the living room and I was introducingher to Wildfire and my fosters (at the time it was 6 fosters, mom and 5babes), and she said "But it doesn't smell!" She thoughtrabbits smell bad and was very surprised that I had 7 in my livingroom, and if I hadn't pointed out my fosters, she wouldn't of noticed!

I do run into alot of "meat rabbit" teasing, at school andwork. But I try to run with it, it throws people off, andonce they see it doesn't get a rise out of me, they rarely do itagain. My normal response is "Well, if you want to eatrabbit, your going to want to find such and such type of rabbit, asmine are just to small." And I explain to them the differencebetween a dwarf, giant, and meat breed rabbit, and explain whatcharacteristics you want in a meat rabbit like a high meat to boneratio.

Most people are just shocked, and really had no interest in eatingrabbit, they just wanted to get a rise out of me. So bystaying calm and running with it, I avoid alot of uglysituations.

Of course there is the odd person who does eat rabbit, and I can normally tell, so I don't use that approach with them.

If someone does persist past light hearted teasing or continues theteasing past a few times, I will take them aside and let them know thatit is not appropriate, and that they need to stop these commments as itis becoming harrassement.

But in most cases, I never hear more than one remark out of people.

Exactly Aurora. Some guys @ work were giving mecrap about a man having a bunny. That men are supposed to eat them nottake care of one. They just liked saying how great rabbit meat was andI told them I had never tried it but i'd have no problem trying it.They quickly quit the whole food thing and decided to just make fun ofme for being a guy owning a rabbit. I quickly reminded him to have funalone in his appartment again tonight watching TV or looking at pornand he walked away.