I found this at the rabbitwarren dot com.
Cross Breeding
Cross Breeding
Did you know that justbreeding two different breeds can create other breeds ofrabbits? This is called cross breeding. You may beable to start breeding other breeds, without having to go anywhere!
Creating Other Breeds
Californians were developed by first crossingChinchillas with Himalayans to obtain the black markings on theextremities, then breeding the offspring to New Zealand Whites.
The Cashmere Lop wasdeveloped from breeding Holland Lops and English Angorarabbits. It has the same external characteristics as theHolland Lop rabbit, but has longer hair like the Angoras.
The Dwarf Swiss Fox rabbitwas created by crossing Swiss Fox rabbits with the Dwarf Polishrabbits.
Hulstlanderrabbits were developed by crossing Vienna Whites and blue-eyed Polishrabbits.
Klein Lotharinger, or theDutch Papillon, rabbits were created by crossing Giant Papillons withNetherlands Dwarfs.
Magpie rabbitscan be created by crossing rabbits with the "Chinchilla factor", likethe Silver Fox or Chinchilla.
Marburgers were developed by crossing Vienna Blues andHavanas. The offspring were then crossed with light coloredblack Silvers.
Mini Rex rabbits can beproduced by crossing Netherlands Dwarfs and the Standard Rex rabbits.
Sable or MartenSable rabbits were created by crossing Himalayans with Chinchillas.
Sallanderrabbits, or the Salland rabbit was created by crossing Thuringers withChinchillas.
Silver Foxrabbits were developed by crossing Tans with Chinchillas.
Vienna Whiteswere developed by crossing Vienna Blues with predominantly white Dutchrabbits with blue eyes.
For information on breedsand the history of them, check out "The Encyclopediaof Rabbits andRodents" by Esther Verhoef-Verhallen, published byRebo Productions Ltd. 1998., or contact the ARBA.