Hey, I got a rabbit yesturday and I dont really know anything at all about rabbits I just felt bad for her in this tiny hutch with no toys so I got her. My problem is that I got her a hay rack yesturday and stuffed it full then when I went to top it up this morning it was still full, she had eaten her mixed salad and nibbled at the stuffed log I got her but hasnt touched her hay or pellets :/ she seems healthy, nice soft shiny coat, bright eyes, plenty of energy (she gave me a right run around in the garden yesturday lol) and her poos look like normal rabbit poo. She just hasnt eaten any hay, I didnt buy cheap hay I got the nicest looking timothy hay they had it was branded by the rspca and made by burgress. Should I be worried? i was told she is 7 months old and i dont know what kind of rabbit she is but id say she is just a standard short haired rabbit lol. Thanks