woody pet, critter care litters?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
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Southern, Illinois, USA

i've been shopping around for a better litter for maomaochiu, and i'veread about woody pet. i found itontheTSCstore's website, but would like to make sure if it isthe right one before i drive to the closest one which is 50 minutesaway.

also i found the critter care prodcut from walmart, it says' all natural for small animals' with a big bunny picture on it.

is any of these two good to use as litters? which isbetter? i cann't find any yesterday news product aroundhere. thanks!



TSC # 5027120



100% natural wood manufactured bedding. Reduces ammonia odor, keepsstall floors dryer longer with easier, faster cleaning and much lessdisposal, as well as much faster decomposition after use.


Haley said that her TSC didn't have it last time she was there ( latelast week) but there's another that compares. Look at theWoody Pet Pittsburg thread to see what it is. Not sure aboutthe other-Small World, I know the pellets aren't the best.;)
I have used the critter care, I think it'sbasically the same as Carefresh, but a little cheaper. I useit for the bottom of Cocoa's cage.

The only place around here that I can find Yesterday's News isat Petco. Not all pet stores carry it for somereason.
You can also see if there's tack and feed placenear you and when you go there, ask them for their "wood pellet horsestall bedding". It's quite close to Woody Pet, and quiteinexpensive! :)

Here's a good thread about litter that JimD has a whole list of good wood pellet litter brands in:

Enjoy! Let us know how things go! :)


P.S. You can also check out this thread for a picture of whatmy wood pellet litter looks like...it's about half the bag, and I gotit for approx $6 for the whole bag...CHEAP!! :D

Hi everyone,

i just found out that a local pet store carries Yesterday News CATlitter for 35lbs/$16. My question is: is that the same thingas yesterday news RABBIT litter?

also, i tried to use the Critter Care made by AbsorptionCorp.for maomaochiu last night. he did pee and poopin them, but he also pooped a lot outside, so i did not take that as helikes it. shall i wait a little longer before i throw therest of the bag away??

The yesterday's news Cat litter is IDENTICAL tothe rabbit litter. If you can't find a good wood pellet litter, that'sprobably one of the best options. I used it before I found Woody Pet.

Great news! just found out a ruralkingstore about 25 minutes away has woody pet in store for30lbs/$4.99. i cannot believe this or is that too cheap to betrue? anyways, i will drive there tomorrow to take a look.

just want to make sure thati've got the right one, here isthe info. from woodypet.com. they say it is for horse, butcan also be used for small animals such as rabbits. is thisthe one you guys are using???

Woody Pet Professional Animal Bedding (30 lb. Bag)

The Ultimate Horse Bedding - Used by professional trainers, breeders and
veterinarians world-wide!

Woody Pet Professional Animal Bedding is not only the preferred horse stall
bedding, but is also widely used and loved by cat, rabbit, ferret, guinea
pig, hamster, parrot and bird owners as well as all other animals. Let’s put
it this way; if you own animals, Woody Pet Professional Animal Bedding will
work for you.

It has a very high absorbent capacity, that controls odors and expands into
a fluffy soft bedding – all in one product!

There are many horse stall benefits with the use of Woody Pet Bedding, such
as: Reduces flies; Reduces waste; Great for foaling; Extreme absorbency;
Reduces hoof disease; Reduces ammonia odor; Environmentally friendly;
Reduces allergy symptoms; Reduces stall cleaning time; Reduces respiratory
problems; 100% biodegradable; All animals stay cleaner and healthier; and it
is not necessary to strip Woody Pet Bedded stalls every one or two weeks as
it is with shavings, straw or sawdust. Many Woody Pet customers strip their
stalls every three – six months, some even longer. On average, one pallet
(65/75-30 lb. bags) will last one horse in one stall for one year.
Has anyone ever heard of or used Southern StatesPremium pellet bedding? I went to our local TSC tonight to get somewoody pet and they didn't have any. I asked them about it and I wastold that they aren't carrying it anymore!

I can get the Southern States in a 30# bag for $4.95 from a local feedstore (the owner said it's the same thing) but I was wondering ifanyone had usedthat particular brandbefore.

maomaochiu wrote:
is this the one you guys are using???
Woody Pet Professional Animal Bedding (30 lb. Bag)
Yes. :D

Just like you, Ihave Yesterday's News,CareFresh, and other WoodPelletssitting in my basementafter I got WoodyPet.

Are you going to get awhole pallet? ;)(just joking).

Rainbows! :cool:
Yeah, TSC isnt going to carry Woody Pet anymore.They should have an equivalent, any kind of wood pellet horse beddingis safe. My TSC has something called Equine Pine. Its safe.

Maomaochiu, its not too good to be true, its really that cheap! Itsaves so much money. I was using Yesterdays News cat litter (which yes,it is the same as rabbit litter) and that works great. I do think thewood pellets work better and are so much cheaper!

Good Luck!
thanks guys! i am going to get that woodypet thing tomorrow!

yes, i was thinking to get the 30lbs bag, is that too much???

what if maomaochiu does not like the woodypet? so far, afterhis neuter he has been soooooooo good using his litter box (clay catlitter, i know , i know, i know...), what if he starts peeing andpooping everywhere again after i switch to woodypet??? i amsoooo afraid of that.

maomaochiu wrote:
i was thinking to get the 30lbs bag, is that too much???
I bought 10 bags, the firsttime I got hold ofWoodyPet. :shock:
One bag can lastPebbles about threemonths. :shock::shock:
That works out toabout $1.50 a monthfor litter. :D:D:D

Most people are verysatisfied when they switched toWoodyPet or some other WoodPellets. WoodyPetwould be my first choiceover other wood pellets,because it seems toabsorb faster and holdthe odor the best.

What you could do ismixing your cat litterand WoodyPet together tostart with, and slowlyeliminate the cat litteras Maomaochiu gets useto the WoodyPet.

Rainbows! :)