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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, , Australia
My bun has recently taken a liking to chewing onmy wooden chest. It is made of pine wood and is treated, so I have beentrying to block it off so that he can't get to it.

I was just wondering if there are any types of wood you would recommendI buy, so that he has his own big block to chew on. Also, are there anytypes of wood that I should avoid which are bad for bunnies?

Thanks so much for your help!
Lots of rabbits like willow and appletwigs. Apple twigs can be fed fresh. All other woodshould be allowed to dry. Other good twigs to chew are maple,aspen, oak, and other fruit trees/shrubs EXCEPT cherry and peach twigs.

I also give my buns untreated wicker (willow) baskets.

Don't use wood from trees that have been sprayed with pesticides or are near busy roads.

Check this toxic plants list before you give anything to yourrabbit. This list tells you which parts of the plants are bad.

Thank you Naturestee! :)And thanks for the toxic plants list, I have printed it for future reference.

I will try to find someone with an apple tree I can get some twigsfrom. I am not 100% sure about this, but I don't thinkthatmaple, aspen, willow and oak trees are commonin Australia. Inmy area we mainly have eucalyptus (which is toxic according to the linkyou gave me) and other native Australian trees.

I was just wondering if an actual block of untreated wood from ahardware store would be ok for my bun to chew on. He has plenty ofsmall wooden toys to chew, but he is only interested in large woodenitems such as furniture, which I am trying to discourage.

A block of wood should be fine as long as itisn't treated. Pine is okay to chew on too, and you canusually find oak and maple too. Well, I can. Idon't know what you have available down there.:)

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