Well-Known Member
I was just wondering about my bunscage and his little feet. I recently opend up Shadows cage so he hasthe whole thing to himself, which is the 2 floors for him now. Myquestion is, is it ok for him to walk on the wire bottom on the secondfloor? Its a wire grid bottom and the squares are very close togeatherso they are small and his paws deff dont fit in em. It seems to be finebut I wanted to make sure bc I know a guinea pig cant walk on em andwant sure if it was the same for rabbits, being there paws are muchbigger then guinea pigs. I had newspaper over em with shavings on topof that but umm that didnt work, all the paper is out of his cage nowbc he was to noisey at nite and all the shavings are now on the firstfloor after falling thru the wires
. If the wire isnt ok what is?Thnx for any replysi n advance:bunnydance: